Just came across this ad in Private Eye No 1274, 29 October - 11 November 2010 MAN, 40s, seeks attractive woman with ticking body clock before time runs out for the both of us. Your photo gets mine. eddy2525@hotmail.co.uk Am I being cynic if I think this man is too good to be true? Just like this one in fact? OPEN, attractive, warm, genuine, grounded, caring, no hidden agenda. Confident, yet with a hint shyness. I found David very easy to talk to, make conversation, and he had no problems with being open about his personal life. Approx 6'2"+ish" masculine, solid build,attractive, lovely warm open smile, genuine eyes, he smiles with his eyes, it doesn't just come from the mouth. Very well presented, very nicely spoken, clean cut, wholesome looking in a traditional sense. Shoes, tan leather brogues, navy blue double breasted jacket, cream chinos, classic standards, traditional and values. Born in X, to a tradition...