"Sex, Porn and Teenagers" Radio 4

"Shag bands" are thin coloured rubber bracelets, indicating how far the wearer will go sexually if the band is broken.

Purple for a kiss or yellow for a hug may seem comparatively harmless but some of the other colours such as black for full intercourse or blue for oral sex ring alarm bells.

A Wakefield MP recently campaigned to stop shops selling them after complaints from parents including a mother who innocently bought some for her 6-year old's party bag. Elsewhere schools have banned "shag bands" after finding pupils wearing them.

Part of playground culture, they're often worn innocently or in a show of bravado but there is a darker side where early sexual exploration strays into the easily accessible world of internet porn. Where children once passed notes, they now use their mobile phones to share explicit images and there's peer pressure through social networking sites.

Presenter Miranda Sawyer, herself a mother, investigates whether society and parents are aware of just what their children are getting up to and asks how concerned should we be about the sexualisation of children in media, advertising and fashion such as sale of padded bras for pre-pubescent girls or sexual references on T shirts for primary-aged kids.

Even though teenage pregnancy rates are falling, Britain still has the highest rate in Western Europe. As many as 1 in 4 teenagers have underage sex with anecdotal evidence of sexual experimentation including anal sex to avoid pregnancy. However sex education is improving in schools and access to contraception and STI screening has never been better.

But there are concerns that unlike the 'dirty mags' of their parent's day, teenagers now access porn which can be addictive, desensitising and threatening to healthy relationships in the future.


Dunno about you, but I felt such a visceral sense of self-loathing to be part of a society where this sort of thing goes on, that I thought fleetingly of converting to Islam, if only as a gesture to dissociate myself from this filth, atheist though I am.  


Adolfo said…
Oh, man! Don't you give up! Don't take the easy way out! God is dead, anyway!
Claire Khaw said…
God is as dead or as alive as we think, Adolfo.

God can be resurrected by Man the moment the need for Him is acknowledged to be clear and present by the majority.
Adolfo said…

Related topic: http://www.tikkun.org/tikkundaily/2010/10/06/temporary-marriage-in-islam-is-sex-for-hire-fatemeh-fakhraie/

At least Muslim promiscuity helps women to get the best males available, not a peanut headed CHAV.
knn said…
@Claire ((("God can be resurrected by Man the moment the need for Him is acknowledged to be clear and present by the majority.")))

It's a bad idea to turn from anti-feminist to islamist due to all the negative side effects that Islam brings.

Rather start your own religion, not god centered but family centered. You could make this the foundation of a country actually, since many countries have state religions anyway:

* Marriage is when 2 persons have a child
* Voting rights only for married people
* Demeny voting
* "What's bad for families is bad for the country"
* ...
knn said…
Oh by the way, I disagree with you on the porn issue.

Porn makes people peaceful and less extremist, lowers rape rates etc...

ADDITIONALLY it offers a possibility:
Since now a majority of rape accusations are said to be false AND prostitution is illegal in many places (and if it isn't it may become so by order of the gynocracy we live in) maybe the only viable way for men to get sex without rape accusations will be to grab a camera and pay a girl.

Thus the last thing you want to do is to forbid porn.

Moreover forbidding porn is the dream project of feminists, thus anyone who wants to reduce porn furthers the feministic agenda.
Claire Khaw said…
I don't want to ban porn, just make it less widely available.
Claire Khaw said…
Family values is boring, that is why God was created to scare people into family values supported by marriage and away from Free Love.

That was the whole point of creating God.
knn said…
@Claire Khaw ((("I don't want to ban porn, just make it less widely available.")))

Do not criticize porn. Feminists do that. Do the opposite.

Additionally, as I said above: Reducing porn is counter-productive, because it increases rape, intolerance, uneasiness etc...

@Claire Khaw ((("That was the whole point of creating God.")))

Gods (or any higher beings for that matter) is a worldwide phenomenon in all cultures. Thus there is no reason why it was created except that humans are humans.

In other words: If you want to replace god you have to replace it by something equally typical human, e.g. family values, sex, games etc...
Claire Khaw said…
There is no concept more powerful than God.

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