Operational Efficiency MUST submit to Feminism and Equal Opportunities: more shit for brains policies of the liberal establishment


This is a matter that continues to incense me, though I recognise that we should all have become accustomed to the shit for brains policies of the liberal establishment by now.

One single woman's hurt feelings should not be put above the careers of two men with dependents in the name of equal opportunities when it is operational efficiency and the morale of the men who risk and sacrifice their lives in the Armed Forces that should be paramount.

This is such a truism that it appalls me that I have to point it out again and again yet receive something that is close to blank incomprehension.

Yes, I am saying that it does not matter if they disliked her for non-PC reasons. They have a right to dislike a colleague as I hope we all have a right to dislike someone and show it, however offensive that may be, provided it does not involve injury to person, damage to property or defamation.

How about a strike by Beefeaters if Mark Sanders Crooke is not reinstated? Now that would receive worldwide media coverage.

Of course this would also signal that we are so mad and silly that we are even riper and readier for exploitation and invasion.

A country that imposes PC-liberal values on its military, that willingly sacrifices operational efficiency in the name of equal opportunities that will do the country no good in fighting a war, that is happy to acknowledge that the career and feelings of one single Yeowoman is worth more than the careers and livelihood of two Yeoman and their dependents, deserves all that is coming to it.


MarkyMark said…
A country that imposes PC-liberal values on its military, that willingly sacrifices operational efficiency in the name of equal opportunities that will do the country no good in fighting a war, that is happy to acknowledge that the career and feelings of one single Yeowoman is worth more than the careers and livelihood of two Yeoman and their dependents, deserves all that is coming to it.

You got that right! We have the same crap here in the USA. Thank goodness I got out of the Navy before they put women on the combatant vessels on which I served...

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