An exchange with Jim Bailey, Kiwi men's right campaigner on proposing an Official Marriage Strike by Men


"Just a bit of well-meant advice in the face of your moribund campaign, Jim. Obviously, the alpha males have got their women under control while the losers are being trampled all over by the matriarchal Kiwi court system.

Since no self-respecting alpha male would dare be associated with your cause and the bunch of losers you all are, I guess you will just be plodding on to more defeat and disappointment.

I am afraid little old me is the closest you will get to an alpha male advising you.

Declare an official marriage strike. Get some PR guy to do it for you, Jim, because you can't do the job. Hand over the reins to someone who can."

Rookh Kshatriya

"True alpha males no longer marry Anglo women."


"They go bride-shopping in Russia, Eastern Europe, the Asian Sub-Continent or the Far East."

And the smarter female from the white urban proletariat convert to Islam to escape low-life losers.

Well, I have written to a PR company on Jim's behalf and the Oppressed Kiwi men who have been deprived of their children by malicious ex-wives.

This is what I emailed to

Well, I have written to a PR company on Jim's behalf and the Oppressed Kiwi men who have been deprived of their children by malicious ex-wives.

This is what I emailed to

"Threatening national suicide? Official Marriage Strike by Men followed by Sex Strike by Women the only way "forward"?

Jim Bailey supporting a Fathers’ Coalition
and growing the Ration Shed.
6 Lancaster Rd
Beach Haven
North Shore City, 0626
Telephones - +64-9-482-2960 -/- 027-429-0055
Fax – +64-9-482-2961

is too timorous and unimaginative to go with such an idea, and I thought it might be helpful if you were to get in touch with him, if you wish to use this issue as a means of self-promotion."

The trouble with these men's movements is of course that most alphas are too smart to get stitched up.

Only the betas and sub-betas get done and of course no one wants to help them because they behave as if they DESERVE the crap that's dished out to them.

Alphas who get stitched up have to grin and bear it rather than whinge just to remain alpha.

Well, I hope that was worth a try!


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