Feminism is a Nationalist Issue

Thank you all for looking in, but I rather suspect you are only popping your head round the door more now because of those Nazi photos I had of myself taken with David Jones of Todmorden, formerly of the BPP at http://thevoiceofreason-ann.blogspot.co.uk/2012/04/httpwww.html

I do have another blog which concerns gender politics and it is at
http://thebattlefieldoflove.blogspot.co.uk/  Do please subscribe to it if you find it of interest.

Feminism is a nationalist issue (though it is not treated as such by nationalists because they of all  people suffer most from the degeneracy caused by feminism). Let us hope it is not too late to now time to discuss the subject of feminism earnestly and rationally.

I, a female and foreigner, presume to speak for white men in the West because they are no longer capable of speaking for themselves.

For nationalism to succeed, nationalists need to treat each other honourably, but, being victims of a degenerate matriarchy, they no longer have any pride or feel any shame.  Brought up mostly fatherlessly by their single mothers, they do not have the first idea of how to behave like gentlemen or even the concept of  honour amongst thieves.

Sadly, in all of Britain it would appear, I, a female and a foreigner, retain most completely the theory and practice of behaving honourably, dealing justly, being magnanimous in victory and gracious in defeat.

Yes, it is awful to think that one such as I should be run more swiftly and go much further than white nationalist men in questioning feminism and being a thorn in the side of the liberal political establishment by discussing subjects that make them gasp and stretch their eyes.

That I have to do it because white men are cowering in a corner at the PC Liberal Feminist whip goes to show that the rottenness has gone right to the bone.

Anyway, I just wanted to tell you to subscribe to both my blogs and to not be afraid.  For nationalism to be a force for the good of your country, I need you all not to be afraid to say what you think, to the people in your lives.

All of you can be political activists by simply sticking your neck out and discussing any of the issues I discuss, using some or all the arguments I use,  with your friends and family, and especially your female partner, if you dare, if you are not afraid of her divorcing you, taking half your stuff, the house and then depriving you of your children.

Everything that is wrong about Western society stems from feminism and the fact that men are now afraid of women.   Discuss.
Everything that is wrong about Western society stems from feminism and the fact that men are now afraid of women.   Discuss.
Everything that is wrong about Western society stems from feminism and the fact that men are now afraid of women.   Discuss.
Everything that is wrong about Western society stems from feminism and the fact that men are now afraid of women.   Discuss.

Now go and write an essay about it.  If it is good enough I will post it here so others can discuss it, and I will grade it too.

To rid your civilisation of feminism, you destroy the intellectual and moral credibility of feminism, and only I have the ability, credibility and courage to do so.

If it were a white man, even if he were not afraid of his wife doing the things she probably would, the typical response would be "He would say that, wouldn't he, because he is a man."

Men should therefore think rationally and put aside their pride and anger (both deadly sins) and think about supporting me if they agree with me that the desecration of Marriage after decades of chasing the female vote and submitting to feminism has brought them to this pretty pass of civilisational decline.

If they want something done about feminism as well as the overweening and oppressive nanny state they now live under, they can do no better than to support me with all their heart and strength, because I am the best person for the job.

I am so hated and feared by the liberal feminist establishment that the only tactic they are now employing is to ignore me, because they cannot respond adequately to any of my arguments, but do not want to give me publicity by mentioning me at all, even in unflattering terms.

Therefore, if enough of us who have the talent, courage and energy join together we can form a Counter-Revolutionary Party against the matriarchal over-lady who has been squatting over us and peeing on us since the Sex Revolution, we can get on with overthrowing the existing order.


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