Why don't powerful men support men's rights?
Because they
Because they
- do not want to associate with victim men
- think victim men are beyond contempt
- think victim men probably deserve what they get for being limp-dicked sub-alphas and gutless whingers
- think they or their friends could never become victim men and that this sort of thing only happens to other people
- would not acknowledge their victimhood by whingeing about it even if they themselves really have been victims
These days only a female with the mind of a man can fight feminism.
A few tips for anti-feminist men:
- The term "feminazi" and "matriarchy" should be used to command the terns of discourse. Do NOT talk of yourselves as victims.
- Only when men have the courage to call themselves anti-feminist will the challenge to feminism really begin.
- The very idea of "victim men" is nauseating and repulsive. No wonder alpha males shun the very idea of helping sub-alpha victims in case their pariah status rubs off on them, like a kind of social leprosy.
- Men will never be able to compete with women in the field of victim status. The idea is repugnant anyway.
- Your best bet really is not to argue this point yourself but to hire me to do it. Most anti-feminists are by definition sub-alphas and therefore bound to create the impression that they deserved whatever bad treatment they have suffered. Mike Buchanan is a case in point. View his performance at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lkPCwvsYrjA Definitely sub-alpha: sour, angry, short and rather unattractive. Women will not fancy him, especially if he is criticising feminism, and men just won't want to identify with him at any level. I am more likely to charm and amuse people than a sub-alpha male victim of feminism.
- Steve Moxon seems reasonably attractive but UKIP dumped him because he wrote something controversial about the Norwegian terrorist Anders Breivik in his blog. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-south-yorkshire-17911131 But perhaps his stripey jumper was reason enough. Have a look at that https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zwqTi6HN0pM&feature=endscreen
What do you have to ask for to destroy the matriarchy and feminism as a viable, rational and moral ideology?
- The reintroduction of fault into divorce so the bitch cannot divorce you and take your house as soon as she is bored and irritated by you.
- The repeal of the Equality Act 2010 if you live in the UK or your country's equivalent of totalitarian thoughtcrime anti-discrimination employment legislation.
- The abolition of the welfare state. (That should be easy because Western governments can no longer afford to the upkeep of this sacred cow anyway.)