Evil Mad Silly Liberal Judge Sir Nicholas Wall wants to desecrate the institution of marriage even more

Sir Nicholas Wall - another liberal tosser who says he believes in marriage while flushing it down the toilet like a used condom http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-17522726 What we have now is in fact no-fault divorce in practice, even if the parties to the marriage go through the motions of citing a reason for the break-up. "Irretrievable breakdown of marriage" is the catch-all reason for anything to boredom and wanting a bit of space to grow and spread one's wings. Therein already lies the no-fault in divorce that we already have. Behaviour is never taken into account when deciding the divorce settlement. We already have de facto no-fault divorce, but the liberal extremists now want de jure no-fault. Compare the "fuck off out the home you bought for us" kind of no-fault divorce you get now to the more old fashioned kind of marriage ceremony that emphasises the sanctity of marriage, solemn promise, not to be entered into lightly, unadvisedly, to ho...