The hand that rocks the cradle belongs to a slut single mum with disabled offspring

The elephant in the room is no longer immigration, it is the never-married mother and her illegitimate offspring, who, these days, is also probably disabled. 

That I am no longer mayoral candidate is directly related to the offence a female BNP member took against my views about the disabled and the unwed single mother. She is a single mother who has disabled offspring.
You know who is in power by the ones you cannot criticise.
If Britain is a nation ruled by promiscuous unwed mothers who are bad mothers to both their able-bodied and their disabled children, then you ought to fear for the future. You ought to fear because the values that these women embody are the ones that rule this nation ie stupidity, cowardice, ignorance, hypocrisy, promiscuity, fecklessness, short-termism, vindictiveness, denial, hysteria and irrationality verging on the insane.
So there you are, effeminate, fearful, soon to be pauperised "men" and mice of Britain.

Wot you gonna do? "Suspend" me from the nearest lamp-post? (Pun intended.)
The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world. She who rules the Western world is a promiscuous slut of a single mother with a litter of bastards by different men.

So put that in your pipe and smoke it, gentlemen.

Oh, but you can't because the women have banned smoking both in the home and in public.


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