Stupid white sluts think going on a slutwalk shows how clever and free they are

A slut walk in Boston last Saturday, one of dozens staged around the world (AP)

Stupid white sluts turn themselves into a circus for men to ogle, denigrate and exploit. All because a policeman said women should be careful how they dress or they might end up getting raped. Well, it's true, isn't it?

Let us hope they decide to march through a Muslim neighbourhood!

What these FemiNazis do is accuse you for saying it is not a crime to rape a slut, which is not what you are saying at all. It is just a crime to rape a woman who is a slut as it is to burgle a house that is not secured properly. The question is always that of culpability or of contributory negligence. FemiNazis and shit for brains liberals don't understand the concept of personal responsibility at all and are perversely proud of this lack of understanding.

Clearly, the pornocrats who have spent a lot of money on themselves eg spray tans, boob jobs etc, want to show off their bodies and see men salivate and stand to attention at the sight of them.  That's all it is really.

Sensible women would want men to love them for their other attributes that is nothing to do with sex.  Imagine if you are a woman and are really really boring.  The man, after finding the limitations of your company and conversation will just want to say something like "Right, bitch, let's fuck as we have exhausted all the other possibilities of entertaining each other. You can start by giving me a blow-job as I have just bought you a drink."

It seems that this is how these stupid sluts like things to be.   Sad but true.    


Anonymous said…
Quite chilling to read a poster calling for “tolerance” by people so fanatically intolerant of reality.
Rupert Meadows said…
As Hugh Carlyle Drummond pointed out, it is a form of passive agressive power play which is inherently female supremacist. I am reminded of a quote by the American reactionary Lawrence Auster:

“The way many women dress today, with half their breasts exposed, is an expression of total disrespect for men. Men are left with three possible responses. To grab the woman, which is illegal; to ogle the woman, which is socially unacceptable; or to affect not to notice the woman at all, which is emasculating. A culture that normalizes such female behavior--i.e. not only not noticing or objecting to it, but prohibiting any objection to it--is extremely sick.”
MarkyMark said…
I wonder if these fools know of this little thing called 'cause & effect'?
Anonymous said…
Tolerance and Respect are to worlds you need to learn missy.
No wonder women hate you
Claire Khaw said…
I don't care if sluts hate me. Unlike most beta males, I am not hoping to have sex with a slut.

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