SINGLE WOMAN in her late forties and is trying for a baby using a website to match her with a donor.

Leila Knox is a SINGLE WOMAN in her late forties and is trying for a baby using a website to match her with a donor. is her blog.

Fuck the BBC for giving this sort of shit airtime.

Notice she has no comments on her blog.  I have left one reasonably polite one, but I think she makes a policy of not displaying them unless they are favourable.  I guess none of them has been favourable.

I am reminded of Bloody Mary's phantom pregnancy.  Let us hope no misbegotten wretch will come to be born to a women clearly so unfit and lacking in judgment that she is unfit to be a mother and of a man so reckless of life and careless of his morals that he will impregnate, either artificially or naturally, such a woman.  


MarkyMark said…
The BBC used to be the GOLD STANDARD in news and news reporting too! I remember reading a story years ago that took place in the Mideast (Beirut, Lebanon, I think) that said all the reporters there were quick to whip out their short wave radios, put the antennae up, and tune in BBC to see what was happening. Oh, how the mighty have fallen...

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