Question for A A Gill
Dear A A Gill I hope to interest you in commenting on the domestic partnership, elaborated at Your recent piece on Seventy Thirty suggests that you may have more to say on the subject of long-term relationships. That it ended "A A Gill is 54" suggests that you may even now be single and looking. (Should this be so, it may interest you to know that I fall within recommended age range of 10 years' difference.) I am unclear about your current relationship status but believe it would interest you to know that my Speedier Dating for the Already Grown-Up idea has the following goals: a) finding out the worst of your potential partner as soon as possible b) revealing the worst of yourself to your potential partner as soon as possible c) treating negotiation (of the terms of the domestic partnership) as a substitute for courtship This could be done through - i) discussing previous relationships and conduct...