Men now so useless they cannot deal with ambiguity because of paralysing fear of rejection
So, men are so frightened and clueless now that they cannot respond to subtle female signs of interest and encouragement unless it is something as unambiguous as
"Fancy dinner?"
"Can I give you my number?"
"Do you have plans later?"
"What are you up to tonight?"
"Your place or mine?"
So it's official then. British men now secretly want to dress like women and sit around in bars looking "new-manly" while waiting for women to chat them up. Their pretty fluffy little heads are now incapable of dealing with such things as ambiguity, risk of rejection and the basics of male courtship that even lower animals know they must perform if they desire the opportunity to sexually reproduce.
I wonder if the problem is anything to do with the fact that most British women are now so "liberated" that they think being promiscuous, or, not to put too fine a point on it, being a slag and a slapper, ie females behaving like a predatory males, is a badge of British womanhood.
(Perhaps this is why Muslim women go to the other extreme of covering themselves in their burqas, to show that they are most certainly not wearing this particular British badge.)
If it is true that both men and women have had their characters ruined by feminism, then this explains why men (who are too busy considering and accepting offers made to them by their liberated women) no longer have the inclination or capacity to fulfil their natural masculine roles of impressing their women with their ability to be provide and protect, in order to win their favours.
It would appear that women are now seeking advice about cajoling men into having sex, as if they were infants with feeding difficulties and an aversion to the breast.
Men are now more to be regarded as Reluctant Companions to Women who may at any time change their claim from being
(a) in need of protection and provision, or
(b) equal partners, or
(c) she who must be obeyed
according to circumstances and mood.
Men are also regarded as sperm banks by the more ambitious and enterprising sink-school "educated" young women who want to "move on in life" and receive more benefits and more spacious council accommodation for themselves and their variously-fathered children.
Professional women who cannot find a decent man to become their husbands and the fathers of their children after spending their potentially child-bearing years building their careers, have a similar "sperm bank" outlook towards men.
If I were a man (or a boy, marriage would be the last thing I would do these days. Were I to meet a woman whom I considered capable of being a good wife and mother, I would expect that she agree to the terms of a Domestic Partnership Agreement, with negotiations conducted "at arm's length" by our respective legal advisers, before entering into any relationship involving cohabitation and children.
Unromantic, I know, but to do otherwise would be folly indeed.
So, men are so frightened and clueless now that they cannot respond to subtle female signs of interest and encouragement unless it is something as unambiguous as
"Fancy dinner?"
"Can I give you my number?"
"Do you have plans later?"
"What are you up to tonight?"
"Your place or mine?"
So it's official then. British men now secretly want to dress like women and sit around in bars looking "new-manly" while waiting for women to chat them up. Their pretty fluffy little heads are now incapable of dealing with such things as ambiguity, risk of rejection and the basics of male courtship that even lower animals know they must perform if they desire the opportunity to sexually reproduce.
I wonder if the problem is anything to do with the fact that most British women are now so "liberated" that they think being promiscuous, or, not to put too fine a point on it, being a slag and a slapper, ie females behaving like a predatory males, is a badge of British womanhood.
(Perhaps this is why Muslim women go to the other extreme of covering themselves in their burqas, to show that they are most certainly not wearing this particular British badge.)
If it is true that both men and women have had their characters ruined by feminism, then this explains why men (who are too busy considering and accepting offers made to them by their liberated women) no longer have the inclination or capacity to fulfil their natural masculine roles of impressing their women with their ability to be provide and protect, in order to win their favours.
It would appear that women are now seeking advice about cajoling men into having sex, as if they were infants with feeding difficulties and an aversion to the breast.
Men are now more to be regarded as Reluctant Companions to Women who may at any time change their claim from being
(a) in need of protection and provision, or
(b) equal partners, or
(c) she who must be obeyed
according to circumstances and mood.
Men are also regarded as sperm banks by the more ambitious and enterprising sink-school "educated" young women who want to "move on in life" and receive more benefits and more spacious council accommodation for themselves and their variously-fathered children.
Professional women who cannot find a decent man to become their husbands and the fathers of their children after spending their potentially child-bearing years building their careers, have a similar "sperm bank" outlook towards men.
If I were a man (or a boy, marriage would be the last thing I would do these days. Were I to meet a woman whom I considered capable of being a good wife and mother, I would expect that she agree to the terms of a Domestic Partnership Agreement, with negotiations conducted "at arm's length" by our respective legal advisers, before entering into any relationship involving cohabitation and children.
Unromantic, I know, but to do otherwise would be folly indeed.
The man is supposed to be the head of the family and be the person who has the ability to take the lead. Women have there role to play which should be protected by the man. The man is the one that needs to work and provide and the woman in my book is the home maker and child bearer who's responsibility is to raise the child, teaching it morals, standards, discipline and respect.
Both male and female have their individual roles to play in life and neither is more important than the other.
As for me, single as I may well be I have not had the good fortune to meet the right person for me.
Naturally, I'm still interested in meeting the right person and I will not settle for second best neither should you have to except second best either, even if it means having to go all the way through life not meeting the right person.
I am of the firm belief a good relationship is vital to a well balanced secure lifetime commitment which should not be entered into lightly.
So well done you for this blog you have posted ... Your spot on with the state of man's silly fear of rejection. As men, we need to take courage and make a united stand.
And why read so much into it - all it says is that men prefer unambiguous invitations.
Looking down the list of examples of suggestions men do not prefer, I was not really surprised.
One of the less popular proposals was, 'May I put my Mercedes keys in your bag?' I don't know what I would make of such a suggestion.
(For one thing, I do not carry a bag; secondly, it would be rather a mistake to give your keys to a car thief - just kidding).
Another cringeworthy, would-be funny line that men hated was ‘Your shirt matches my bedspread. You belong in my bed.’
It certainly makes one wonder whether it would not sometimes be better to say nothing at all.
Now if I wanted to invite someone to dinner, I would say something along the lines of, 'Would you like to have dinner?' Then I imagine I would receive an answer I could interpret.
However, if I ask a question which is opaque, then I guess I would receive an opaque answer. Why am I to do with an opaque answer?
Not surprisingly, top of the list of questions men prefer is 'Fancy dinner?' (Are you seriously telling me you would say NO?)
Remember the Lerner and Loeb song from your favourite musical, MY FAIR LADY, "Why can't a woman be more like a man?"
By implication, why can she not think more like a man?
Of course, if you just hate men and are looking for an excuse to put the boot in - be my guest.........
Anyway, I suppose I had better draft, polish and burnish mine.
"Have you heard about the Domestic Partnership?" is one that comes to mind.
"Now that you are aware of the concept of optional fidelity and intimacy in the context of domesticity and separate bedrooms, do you feel it is something that could be for you? Or are you alarmed and disgusted by such an outlandish and unromantic idea?"
(He makes his excuses and goes, never to be seen again.)
If a lady thinks like a man in sexual matters then men and women will be behaving like promiscuous gay men, and this is exactly what has happened.
Now is that a good thing for society, now that we know that promiscuity results in family breakdown, single parenthood and the increased birthrate of the offspring of low status men who cannot offer their women protection and provision being brought up by women with low expectations and low standards of behaviour?
Is not the national gene pool being progressively debased by such widespread tolerance of feral reproduction?
This sentiment has carried over into their future relationships and the events that I experienced were not isolated to my geographic location. Girls everywhere I have gone are violent towards men. They are verbally abusive and physically abusive. We as men cannot fight back.
Now the females that were once girls and now women are complaining that the after effects of the conditioning they put men through is having undesired traits expressed in men.
Do you see how it is all female centric? Women get to complain and make demands and do whatever their little hearts desire, because they get to decide what is acceptable and what is not. This article is a prime example. Women dress a lot like men these days. They wear jeans and many have hairstyles similar to men, and act a lot like men as well. Men are not really excited about this. But guess what if we say anything we are being sexist and need to grow up.
The author is saying men need to understand subtlety. Subtlety? Why, why do men need to pay more attention to the female more so than they already do? Why don't women quit playing games with men and treating them like dog meat and like the female is the prize, so you have a lord and master? When it was the other way around and men had the outlook women have today they were called megalomaniacal. Women do it and they are "liberated".
Go to a store where a woman is in charge. She has a minion of young men to do all the heavy lifting. So her job is designated bitcher and belittler. When a male boss treats women in this manner, they cry and complain to management that he is mean and he needs sensitivity training. When a woman acts this way towards men and women she is a role model and should be promoted.
Why are men feminized and weak? They are trained to follow women from the time they are 5-6, and if they had a mother they have been getting trained from birth. You want more assertive men? Quit saying they are harassing you when they say hello. Quit treating them like they need to be able to read your mind. I mean we do everything else for you, so it is only natural that you would want us to read your minds but it is beyond us. You don't even understand you and you want us to read your mind.
Women don't know what the hell they want because they have been coveting what everyone else has their whole lives and think it would make them happy. When in all actuality the reason for their dismay is due to the fact that they never have to suffer the consequences from their actions. Those who have illegitimate children get a check for the rest of their lives and a free education. Free babysitting, food, tuition, fees, books, school lunches for their kids, healthcare, and preferential hiring when applying for a job, if they choose to work. If they identify the father, they get money from him too, even if they share custody. What do men get? Burden.
Why are men so meek? Because women are turning into tyrants and men don't want to go to jail, have to pay for child support for the rest of their lives, get slapped, get kicked in the nuts, get labeled a sex offender, get stalked, treated like shit, get cheated on when she gets bored, or lose all their money from a gold digger. Women have it easy. They complain and wait for the knight in shining armor to save them.
I mean listen to you, why are men so wussy? Because when they were young and normal you treated them like they were abusing you just by existing. Now the world has beaten them into submission and you don't like it. Surprise surprise you don't want to live with the consequences of your actions. Big shocker...
As for it all being the fauly of big bad nasty women...sorry, there ARE peanty of assertive and good guys out there that don't feel the need to try to justify any kind of violence and aggressions towards women in general- perhaps you could learn something from a few of them instead of having role models that are overgrown babies and idolising guys that thing going through a string of air heads is a 'manly' trait.
The preferential treatment I was referring to is the fact that they can sue an employer for any sort of grievance and put it down to sex discrimination.
Good on you, Yaz K, that you can find lots of decent manly single men who aren't scared, stupid and skint. Send them this way if you have any spare.
My wife is living proof to this. Some days I am an ass for not offering to cook dinner; other days I am an ass for telling her to leave my dinner alone as I am cooking it.
Some days I am an ass for not chasing her and trying to get her in bed. Some days I am the ass for grabbing her butt and fondling her.
She gets mad that I don't chase her, and even madder when I tell her she should wear something sexier when we go out, or commenting that she should do something with her hair instead og just putting it up in a ponytail.
Lets face it, women want to be treated like a woman only until they want to be treated like a man... or vice versa.
1. Women are equal to men.
2. Women are superior to men.
3. Women are weaker than men and therefore need their financial support.
4. Women are always right.
5. Men are always wrong.
6. Women are right even when they're wrong.
7. Men are wrong even when they're right.
But why are men these days so much more useless than before?
Women are freaking ungrateful. After receiving a large part of their husband's salary, women still call their husbands useless.
ummm.... maybe all these bitches just aren't worth the effort and these gals deep down inside know the truth... but still can't deal with it... yeah, that's more likely = they can't fuck to get what they want... 'cuz they all tapped out and used up... but oh! poor me! waaaaa... it's the imaginary hillary clinton push for potus "patriarchy". real men get with real women. not blown out useless breeders and parasites.
It sounds like you were singly-parented too.
I guess what doesn't kill you makes you stronger.
Life may get easier as you get older and I hope your son turns out well.
All I am saying is that 24:2 of the Koran should become law to discourage bastardy which leads to degeneracy.
I am also a Muay-Thai kickboxer who worships physical training and violence, and I want to maximize my fighting skills, so that I can take on my real enemy; guys who hurt women, and guys who fucking brag to me about their fucking sexual scoreboards!!
This message is for any feminists and lesbians who have actually been hurt or attacked by men in their past:
I ask you to channel all of that hatred, desire for vengeance, and justifiable anger, and aim it at ME. I want you to talk shit to me, and explain to me why I am fucking GARBAGE. PISS ME OFF… so that I can train harder, and improve my fighting skills more quickly and efficiently. Demonize me, and treat me like the bad-guy… so that I can take on the real bad-guys. Talk me into committing suicide if you want to… I can’t even deny that I probably should.
Hell, if you want, I’ll even compare your words to those of my mother, and give you tips on how to Improve your ability to talk shit. After all, your ability to talk shit is pretty much your greatest weapon, and you need to make sure that ability is razor-sharp, and ready for use at any given time.
So if you want to tell a man how little he means to the world, then fucking DO IT… TALK SHIT TO ME!!
(Maniacal Hyena-like laughter)