Sex and Relationship Education is where the official version can be found. Can anyone not trained in education create a sex and RE syllabus and sell it to the government? Here is one I have just devised. THE 15 KEY AREAS OF KNOWLEDGE: 1. what the Abrahamic religions say about extra-marital and recreational sex (integrated with the study of Deuteronomy, Leviticus, Romans, the Koran where it mentions the punishment of adultery and homosexuality) 2. why they say what they say about extra-marital and recreational sex 3. why adultery could be considered qualitatively similar to homosexuality (being recreational and extra-marital sex) because of the way it is treated and punished in the Old Testament - both incur the penalty of death by stoning. 4. why adultery (caused by the deadly sin of lust) was considered injurious to society (It breaks up families and impoverishes the next generation as can be seen in the decline of Britain as a nation. British employers prefer fo...