Battlefield of Love did not make longlist of Orwell Prize 2011 - no surprises there

One of the judges, David Allen Green who calls himself a liberal helpfully admitted during his talk that the Orwell Prize favours the Left of Centre.

Richard Horton, the other judge, mentioned the horror of having to read blogs that he thought people had a right to write but which he thought he had a right not to read.   I asked if he had any particular blogs in mind when he said that hoping that he would mention and, but did not get the answer I hoped for.

Below are the 5 Battlefield of Love posts I submitted.

Below are the 5 Voice of Reason posts I submitted.

Below are the blogs that were entered for the Prize.

Spoke to Dan Hodges who was on the Orwell Prize longlist with (which seems to be a digest of the blog posts of Labour bloggers)  who was wearing a pretty floral shirt. He had a kind of androgynous David Bowie face (ie good bone structure) and I thought he looked like he could have been the Transgender blogger who was also on the longlist.  He took it quite well and introduced me to Juliet Jacques of who looked more the part now that I had had a closer look at shim.  I also spoke with another transgender blogger with startling red hair in the Territorial Army (now gender neutral I was told by shim) who did not make the longlist.  I suggested that men now want to become women because it is harder to be men and women are now more powerful.

Met John Chubb who did not make the longlist with his networking and giving his cards out.  "Positive Deviancy" is mentioned on it, which I rather like the sound of.

I also met Dominic Cavendish of the Telegraph, carrying a Waterstones carrier bag.  

Madam Miaow (who made the shorlist last year with came over to commiserate with my failure to make the longlist. I said I would actually be more surprised to be on the longlist than off. While she did not agree with me on most things, one thing she did agree with me about was that it was wrong to bomb Libya, and was aware of my Colonel Gaddafi Support Group mentioned at

It was probably not the time to mention to her that there is talk that I may be the 2012 BNP London mayoral candidate so I said nothing, in case it all comes to naught.

I suggested to David Allen Green that there should perhaps be an Orwell Prize for Tweeting.    I have written to the very pleasant and polite Gavin Freeguard and hope they adopt my idea.   (What they should do is have Tweeters enter themselves and then vote for the best Tweeter, but it cannot be for themselves.)

An Orwell Festival in Letchworth in Hertfordshire is taking place from 9th to 18th September 2011.  Details to be announced in April.


Anonymous said…
I have been reading this blog for a while now - trying to figure out if you are a real person who is crazy or if this is, in fact, a clever parody. I fear it is the former. Please consider getting some help.
Claire Khaw said…
Thank you so much for being sufficiently interested to have been following this blog "for a while now". What is so crazy about telling these mad and silly liberals a few home truths?
Anonymous said…
She's a narcissist and quite bizarre isn't she.....I come along and poke her with a stick every now and again. She craves attention so much she posts back....

I'm not sure if that makes me a bad person to make fun this way.

Ho hum.
Claire Khaw said…
Thank you so much for taking the trouble to give me the attention you know I crave.

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