Woman's Hour on Marine Le Pen


Marine Le Pen

The French presidential elections are in April and early polls indicate it may not be a straight contest between incumbent President Nicolas Sarkozy and socialist Francois Hollande. Marine Le Pen, the current leader of the National Front – is in a strong third position. In 2002 France was shocked when her father Jean-Marie Le Pen, then leader of the same party, reached the final round for the Presidential elections. So, is Marine Le Pen a serious contender for the presidency and has she steered her party away from its neo-Nazi roots to a new kind of respectability?

Sophie Pedder, Chief French Correspondent for The Economist, joins Jane to explain the rise and rise of Marine Le Pen.

"Woman's Hour really should have run a more sympathetic piece on Marine Le Pen. Isn't she a woman too? There was no-one from the right to counterbalance Sophie Peder's hostile comments," said a male BNP Facebook friend.

Why is feminism invariably Leftist and anti-nationalist?  Perhaps this is a question that nationalists should increasingly ask themselves.  Perhaps I should have been invited to comment on this on Woman's Hour, for the sake of balance, but Woman's Hour, Jane Garvey and Dame Jenni Murray have all blocked me from following their tweets, which is most sinister ...


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