Why is an undistinguished lesbian leader of the Scottish Conservatives instead of a white middle aged man with gravitas, experience and good looks?

The former leader of the Scottish Conservative Party - Annabel Goldie
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Annabel_Goldie - is female.

The current leader of the Scottish Conservative Party is female.  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ruth_Davidson

It would appear at first glance that the Scottish Conservative Party has now turned into some corrupt matriarchal dynasty to be passed down from woman to woman, which does not portend well for the Scottish Tories, and by extension Scotland.

Annabel Goldie resigned because she was so crap, and it seems that because of crap women leadership, the Scotties now need to be saved from Shrek by the English, as if they did not already have enough problems of their own to be getting on with!

The person who should be leader because he is so handsome and courageous and well-qualified and clever is of course Murdo Fraser
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murdo_Fraser who is absolutely right in saying that the Scottish Conservative Party is not a name that is going to attract swing voters.

A bonnie Scottie Tory

Unfortunately for him, Murdo did not have a new name he had prepared earlier that was acceptable to the party and Lord Forsyth rather took against the idea.  Alex Salmond had  already beaten Murdo to the best possible name ie the Scottish National Party (which sounds right-wing but is really stuffed with policies of the totalitarian Liberal Left and is nothing at all like the British National Party).

What a pity the next most obvious name - the Scottish National Socialist Party - cannot be used because of its associations with the Nazi Party of Germany.

But what about the Scottish Civic National Socialist Party ("CNSP")?

"Am pàrtaidh cathaireach nàiseanta sòisealach" would be the Gaelic translation.

Perhaps my proposal to turn the UK into a one party state would help get round this problem of finding another name that will never ever have the same resonance as the Scottish National Party.

The Civic National Socialist Party of Britain (English Branch)
The Civic National Socialist Party of Britain (Scottish Branch)
The Civic National Socialist Party of Britain (Welsh Branch)

seems to me to neatly solve the problem of naming names.



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