Sir Paul Coleridge's anti-divorce drive

Promoting marriage and discouraging divorce, but with  no stick

This is too little too late and he must know it.

All Sir Paul has to do is criticise Slut Single Mums and talk about reintroducing fault into divorce and talk about them being a cancer of society, but the old fraud and coward is too frit to say that in case the feminists chop off his cock and stick it into mouth to shut him up.  Pathetic and contemptible.   


Lyndsey said…
So what are YOU doing to help the problems of society then?

I think you're only in a position to criticise if you have a better idea.

Or maybe you're just a misery.
Claire Khaw said…
I have already told you my better idea.

"All Sir Paul has to do is criticise Slut Single Mums and talk about reintroducing fault into divorce"

For some reason you didn't get it first time.

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