The 9 Principles of Libertarian Eugenics

  1. Women who do not find a husband before getting married will be treated as lower in status compared to women who are married when they have children.
  2. No parent may be prosecuted for infanticide if the victim is their offspring.   
  3. Home births will be the rule rather than the exception.   
  4. Feminism (because it condones the poor reproductive choices of women and makes them beyond criticism) is anti-eugenic, immoral and must be destroyed.
  5. Eugenics, if practised by individuals only and not by the state, is moral and must be practised.
  6. No person may be married without a legally enforceable Marriage Contract.  
  7. No person may be divorced without fault being attributed and quantified and damages paid to the wronged party.
  8. Same-sex couples may not "marry" or "civilly partner" each other.
  9. All drugs will be legalised so that the weak-willed, depraved and stupid who succumb to addiction will perish sooner rather than later.  

Eugenics is the practice of improving the genetic composition of the population.  

Marriage is therefore Eugenic because requiring a woman to find a husband before she has children will make her choose a long-term sex partner more carefully and wisely.

If she were rational, she would choose a male partner with good  prospects who seems to her to have the potential to be good husband and father (thus improving the quality and increasing the numbers of men who wish to have good quality offspring with the best kind of women, because most men will do anything for sex).

Not requiring a woman to be married before she has children makes her careless, selfish, unwise and promiscuous.

Tolerating the existence of never-married mothers and suffering their numbers to increase without taking strong radical action against to discourage them will eventually lead to a populace with the morals of a sexually incontinent, irrational and tyrannical woman leading, eventually, to the decline and fall of your civilisation.  

If Marriage (which is considered sacred by those who believe in God or at the very least necessary to ensure a cohesive and civilised society) is Eugenic, then the practice of Eugenics as outlined above is inescapably and undeniably moral, because the practice of it is necessary to the social cohesion of your nation if it is to continue to exist and flourish.

Feminism is very obviously Anti-Eugenic and immoral, because there is no need for women to enjoy all the privileges they now do, at the expense of men and other women who are quite happy to be mothers and housewives, because that will harm the next generation and with that the National Interest.


Blindcyclists said…
You should probably look up what 'libertarian' means, so that you can get a sense of just wrong your use of it is. Here's a link
Claire Khaw said…
I actually have the greatest contempt for most of the libertarians I have met and debated with.

I want a minimum state, not a welfare dependent scrounger state made up of the illegitimate and disabled offspring of slut single mums.
blindcyclists said…
"I actually have the greatest contempt for most of the libertarians I have met and debated with. "

Yes, I can imagine. I bet the debate goes something like this : You : "I'm a libertarian", lib: "cool, let's chat", You : "I think eugenics is really cool and I like to oppress women". libs : "Fuck off, you crazy psycho Nazi bitch".

You are about as libertarian as Josef fucking Stalin, and dumber than a bag of rocks to boot.
Claire Khaw said…
I do think a proper grown-up libertarian should be able to have a civilised discussion about Eugenics as well as the anti-eugenic nature of feminism, without having a fit of the vapours. Silly of me, but there it is.

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