A series of dishonest exchanges with feminist Susanne Moore who appears unable to defend feminism


I wonder why feminists and those taught by them always say "amount of times" when they should know better.   Perhaps feminists no longer see the point of being grammatically correct.  Her final sentence does not make any sense.

I made a simple statement in simple words, yet she claims I am confused.

Susanne Moore ‏@susannemoore 18h
Gender diversity is not about flexibility it is about equal opportunity for men and women its benefits.   Lets not lose the message.
11:55 PM - 3 Apr 

 Claire Khaw ‏@1party4all 16h
@susannemoore Is gender diversity in the workplace conducive to efficiency and productiveness?  I rather think not.
2:07 AM - 4 Apr 13 

 Susanne Moore ‏@susannemoore 15h
@1party4all why?  Give me a sensible point by point argument so I can address each one at a time otherwise stop wasting my time.
2:36 AM - 4 Apr 13

Claire Khaw
@susannemoore Why would I need to give you a point by point argument when all I asked was a YES or NO question?
 5:06 AM - 4 Apr 13

Claire Khaw ‏@1party4all 3 Apr
@susannemoore Feminist Jane Clare Jones cannot defend feminism against Breivik

Susanne Moore ‏@susannemoore 18h
@1party4all the sociological approach I find is the best and looking at trends and facts in history. Instead of blaming feminism.

Claire Khaw ‏@1party4all
@susannemoore If you are able to argue that #feminism is not to blame for the weakening of Western men and society, then please do so.

 Susanne Moore ‏@susannemoore
@1party4all yes I can but I won't be doing it via twitter.

Claire Khaw ‏@1party4all 16h
@susannemoore How will you be doing it then?

Susanne Moore ‏@susannemoore
@1party4all I thought in person when I get to London.
2:33 AM - 4 Apr 13

Claire Khaw ‏@1party4all 12h
@susannemoore I think you are hoping I will forget by then!

Claire Khaw ‏@1party4all 12h
@susannemoore All you have to do is refute, point by point, what Breivik was reported to have said in that link, but I see that you cannot.

Claire Khaw ‏@1party4all 3 Apr
@susannemoore Feminist Jane Clare Jones cannot defend feminism against Breivik
http://thevoiceofreason-ann.blogspot.co.uk/2013/04/feminist-jane-clare-jones-cannot-defend.html4:24 PM - 3 Apr 13

 Susanne Moore ‏@susannemoore 18h
@1party4all cultural Marxism is not feminism. Marxism is Marxism. Feminism is about equality for all.

 Claire Khaw ‏@1party4all 12h
@susannemoore I note that you have not answered my question: What is the difference between Cultural Marxism and Feminism?

 Susanne Moore ‏@susannemoore 1h
@1party4all sorry Claire I don't like these detailed discussions via twitter. Send me an email.
4:16 PM - 4 Apr 13

She can only assert that Cultural Marxism and Feminism are different but cannot explain why.

Claire Khaw ‏@1party4all 3 Apr
@susannemoore Feminist Jane Clare Jones cannot defend feminism against Breivik

 Susanne Moore ‏@susannemoore 18h
@1party4all cultural Marxism is not feminism. Marxism is Marxism. Feminism is about equality for all.

 Claire Khaw ‏@1party4all 12h
@susannemoore I note that you have not answered my question: What is the difference between Cultural Marxism and Feminism?

 Susanne Moore ‏@susannemoore 56m
@1party4all go and do the research Claire.
4:19 PM - 4 Apr 13 

I say Cultural Marxism is the same as Feminism.  She denies this.  I ask her what is the difference.  She tells me to "do the research"!

This woman presumably wants free childcare provided by the state while women take men's jobs and do them badly.  In the meantime unemployed men failed by the female-dominated teaching profession watch porn all day thinking of ways to become more successful paedophiles.

Does feminism cause paedophilia?  I think we should be told.

Later, she claims I am "mad" and "confused".

But I do particularly since I have gone to the trouble of asking them!

Oh dear, more aspersions being cast on my sanity just because I disagree with her.  How odd that she thinks someone who believes in gender equality is not a feminist.  Feminists are always going on about gender equality.  

Wow.  It seems I have made Susanne Moore renounce feminism.  What a result!

Does this woman  have even a shred of professional, scholarly or personal integrity?

But women like her infest academia peddling their useless mendacious shit that they cannot even defend.

Below are the questions I wanted answered:

  1. What is the difference between Cultural Marxism and Feminism?
  2. Can she refute any of the things Breivik said about feminism at http://thevoiceofreason-ann.blogspot.co.uk/2013/04/feminist-jane-clare-jones-cannot-defend.html?
  3. She denies that feminism has weakened Western society, but where is her refutation of Breivik's contentions?
  4. Can she prove that gender diversity in the workplace ie women in the workplace and out of the  home, has not made labour less productive and less efficient while piling on the costs of hiring and firing labour including maternity and paternity leave, as well as the human cost of broken marriages, juvenile delinquency and teen pregnancy?  Of course she can't.  That's why she told me not to waste her time, send her an email, or wait till she comes to London ...  
  5. Do feminists ever consider the long term national interest?


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You have said that there is a difference between Cultural Marxism and Feminism. Could you explain what they are?

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Breivik claims that the PC-project is bent on “transforming a patriarchy into a matriarchy” and “intends to deny the intrinsic worth of native Christian European heterosexual males”. But more than that, it has succeeded. The “feminisation of European culture” has been underway since the 1830s, and by now, men have been reduced to an “emasculate[d] … touchy-feely subspecies”.
Do you disagree? If so, why?

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According to Jane Clare Jones, Breivik believes that ‘the degeneration of our civilisation is intimately linked to an epidemic of sexually transmitted disease and “emotionalism”. Indeed, the danger of women’s “unnatural” demand for equality is such that Breivik closes his introduction by claiming that “the fate of European civilisation depends on European men steadfastly resisting Politically Correct feminism”.’
Do you disagree? If so, why?

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Breivik believes that ‘the “feminisation” of the European male corresponds to the “feminisation” of Europe itself. Our cultural purity is threatened by invasion from outside. Once proud, virile, and impregnable, Europe has been turned – Breivik suggests in Section 2.89 – into a woman, one who has submitted to rape rather than “risk serious injuries while resisting”.’
Do you disagree? If so, why?
Do you even understand the question?

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How does gender diversity in the workplace make work more efficient and society cohesive?
Is it not the case that totalitarian laws are required to compel employers into hiring women who will at some point in their reproductive lives get pregnant, give birth and want maternity leave?
Is it not the case that if women are to have maternity leave, sooner or later men will also be asking for paternity leave in the name of gender equality?
Do you not see this phenomenon as making the cost of hiring labour in the West prohibitively expensive to business if not actually financially ruinous?
Is this the reason why so much work is now being outsourced to India and the Far East – work that Western workers could easily do themselves?

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Do feminists ever consider the long term national interest?

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Can an ideology that only selfishly acquires rights and privileges for its adherents on grounds of being female at the expense of men, children, the elderly and the public purse and which never considers the long term national interest ever be regarded as moral or rational or sustainable?

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Feminism causes women to be as promiscuous as men and gives men the excuse to be as cowardly, hypocritical, irrational and capricious as women. Feminism is therefore destructive, immoral, irrational and evil.
Do you disagree? If so, why?

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Once men say it is OK for women to be sluts, they will be in the power of the worst of their women. Feminism says it is OK for women to be sluts.
Do you disagree? If so, why?

It will be interesting to see if Susanne Moore will display my comments and answer my questions.

http://thebattlefieldoflove.blogspot.co.uk/2012/11/two-men-look-on-while-feminist-and-anti.html has an exchange I had with Deborah Orr.  She cannot defend feminism either.

http://thebattlefieldoflove.blogspot.co.uk/2012/11/feminist-family-lawyer-loses-argument.html has an exchange I had with the barrister Zoe Saunders.


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