A new genre of porn called "feminist porn" has come into being according to The Guardian


 ... just seating a woman at the top is no guarantee of shared power with the women working down below. "When I hear feminist porn," performer and producer Bella Vendetta told me:

"I imagine porn made by feminists, which makes me believe that I'm going to be treated very well, and be informed about what it is I am expected to do. I expect it will be marketed in a way that doesn't insult me, and I expect I'll be paid a fair wage.

"Unfortunately, I have found that if the term feminist porn is being used, I can almost guarantee that it means I will be offered an incredibly low rate. To me, it is not empowering to accept half my rate to have sex on film."

Apparently, it does not pay as well as non-feminist porn.   Feminist porn stars are therefore stupid, because  feminism is stupid.

while certain strands of feminism have become consumed with celebrating women assuming positions of leadership in business, when feminists work to ban pornography, they guarantee that porn is one business where women won't find commensurate power and control over their work. 

Can someone give me a few links to "feminist porn" videos?

My version of ethical and even halal porn can be found at

In theory extra-marital recreational sex is all forbidden and punishable. In practice, under a liberal interpretation [of the Koran], acts of homosexuality and adultery are tolerated provided it is not flaunted in front of more than 3 witnesses (making a threesome legally unproblematic and, dare I say it, halal, even if any of the three participants were prone to self-accusation). The same could be said of a threesome (of any combination) with no more than three voyeurs, witnesses or observers, call them what you will.

Do porn actresses get paid more than porn actors?


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