Feminist family lawyer loses argument on feminism with Claire Khaw and predictably blocks her

Zoe Saunders ‏@ZASaunders
Astonished 2 find a casual reference 2 feminism seems 2 have me being bombarded with bonkers articles about how we're all man hating loonies
1:51 PM - 21 Nov 12

Rosie Harris ‏@Rosie_Rocket
@ZASaunders Oh really?
3:13 PM - 21 Nov 12

Zoe Saunders ‏@ZASaunders
@Rosie_Rocket do you want a sample of the craziness?
10:27 PM - 21 Nov 12

Rosie Harris ‏@Rosie_Rocket
@ZASaunders Yeah why not ;)
12:37 AM - 22 Nov 12

Zoe Saunders ‏@ZASaunders
@Rosie_Rocket @1party4all: @ZASaunders Why #feminism is bad deal for women if they are not that into sex http://thebattlefieldoflove.blogspot.co.uk/2012/11/why-feminism-is-bad-deal-for-women-if.html
1:19 AM - 22 Nov 12

Claire Khaw ‏@1party4all
@ZASaunders @Rosie_Rocket I think when feminists say "crazy" sometimes they just mean "heresy" as in heretical to #feminism.
2:01 AM - 22 Nov 12

Zoe Saunders ‏@ZASaunders
@1party4all I didn't say you had - I said that what you sent me was an example of the kind of things I have been sent
5:44 PM - 22 Nov 12

Rosie Harris ‏@Rosie_Rocket
@1party4all @ZASaunders So in short, you have totally and utterly missed the point of feminism.
9:41 AM - 22 Nov 12

Claire Khaw ‏@1party4all
@ZASaunders @Rosie_Rocket It is true what I said about feminism being a bad deal if you are not that into sex! Come on, admit that at least.
9:59 AM - 22 Nov 12

Claire Khaw ‏@1party4all
@ZASaunders @Rosie_Rocket If something is incontrovertibly logically true, it cannot be crazy.
10:00 AM - 22 Nov 12

Claire Khaw ‏@1party4all
@ZASaunders I never said feminists were "man-hating loonies". Selfish ambitious and silly maybe. You are confusing me with someone else.
10:57 AM - 22 Nov 12

Claire Khaw ‏@1party4all
@ZASaunders The reason why you are "bombarded" (hardly!) is because you are on my list of feminists and lawyers.
10:59 AM - 22 Nov 12

Zoe Saunders ‏@ZASaunders
@1party4all @rosie_rocket what is the point of the patriarchy?
6:18 PM - 23 Nov 12

Claire Khaw ‏@1party4all
@ZASaunders @Rosie_Rocket The point of the patriarchy is to preserve the patriarchy. Which is the lesser evil?
9:28 PM - 23 Nov 12

Zoe Saunders ‏@ZASaunders
@1party4all @rosie_rocket what is the point of the patriarchy?
10:18 AM - 23 Nov 12

Zoe Saunders ‏@ZASaunders
@1party4all @rosie_rocket feminism [is the lesser evil], as it argues that men & women should be treated equally rather than the patriarchy which oppresses women
11:54 PM - 23 Nov 12

Claire Khaw ‏@1party4all
@Rosie_Rocket @ZASaunders What is the point of feminism?
12:28 AM - 23 Nov 12

Claire Khaw ‏@1party4all
@ZASaunders @Rosie_Rocket The point of the patriarchy is to preserve the patriarchy. Which is the lesser evil?
1:28 PM - 23 Nov 12

Zoe Saunders ‏@ZASaunders
@1party4all @rosie_rocket feminism [is the lesser evil], as it argues that men & women should be treated equally rather than the patriarchy which oppresses women
3:54 PM - 23 Nov 12

Zoe Saunders ‏@ZASaunders
@1party4all @rosie_rocket what is the point of the patriarchy?
6:18 PM - 23 Nov 12

Zoe Saunders ‏@ZASaunders
@1party4all @rosie_rocket feminism [is the lesser evil], as it argues that men & women should be treated equally rather than the patriarchy which oppresses women
11:54 PM - 23 Nov 12

Claire Khaw ‏@1party4all
@ZASaunders @Rosie_Rocket Does the #matriarchy not oppress men? Why are you saying oppressing men is better than oppressing women?
4:27 AM - 24 Nov 12

Zoe Saunders ‏@ZASaunders
@1party4all @rosie_rocket @fathers4justice significant difference between 'feeling' oppressed & actually being oppressed
4:35 AM - 24 Nov 12

Claire Khaw ‏@1party4all
@ZASaunders @Rosie_Rocket @Fathers4Justice How would you define oppression?
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4:36 AM - 24 Nov 12

Zoe Saunders ‏@ZASaunders
@1party4all I'd look it up in a dictionary
4:39 AM - 24 Nov 12

Claire Khaw ‏@1party4all
@ZASaunders So you are saying women are more unjustly treated than men? How would you measure this? By how much they whinge and moan?
4:41 AM - 24 Nov 12

Zoe Saunders ‏@ZASaunders
@1party4all no - by the up to date statistical evidence of different pay for women & men doing the same jobs & continuing glass ceiling >
4:46 AM - 24 Nov 12

Claire Khaw ‏@1party4all
@ZASaunders It is the greatest injustice to treat unequal things equally.
 4:47 AM - 24 Nov 12

Claire Khaw ‏@1party4all
@ZASaunders Feminism allows women to do men's jobs badly while neglecting their own.
4:48 AM - 24 Nov 12

Rosie Harris ‏@Rosie_Rocket
@1party4all @ZASaunders As far as my own feminism and every other feminist I know is concerned, egalitarian is probably a better word.
4:58 AM - 24 Nov 12

Rosie Harris ‏@Rosie_Rocket
@1party4all @ZASaunders You seem to think matriarchy is a direct opposite of patriarchy. It isn't.
4:58 AM - 24 Nov 12

Zoe Saunders ‏@ZASaunders
@Rosie_Rocket @1party4all I entirely agree :)
5:00 AM - 24 Nov 12

Claire Khaw ‏@1party4all
@Rosie_Rocket @ZASaunders Define #patriarchy and #matriarchy then, so we know what we are talking about.
5:03 AM - 24 Nov 12

Claire Khaw ‏@1party4all
@ZASaunders @Rosie_Rocket Does the #matriarchy not oppress men? Why are you saying oppressing men is better than oppressing women?
12:27 PM - 24 Nov 12

Zoe Saunders ‏@ZASaunders
@1party4all @rosie_rocket the matriarchy doesn't exist - men are not oppressed so there is no validity to that point
12:29 PM - 24 Nov 12

Claire Khaw ‏@1party4all
@ZASaunders @Rosie_Rocket How do you know men are not oppressed? How would you know if they are or not?
12:30 PM - 24 Nov 12

Claire Khaw ‏@1party4all
@ZASaunders @Rosie_Rocket A patriarchy is a society that condones male promiscuity. Would you agree with this statement?
12:31 PM - 24 Nov 12

Zoe Saunders ‏@ZASaunders
@1party4all @rosie_rocket where is your evidence that [men are oppressed by the matriarchy]? You asserted they were so prove it
12:31 PM - 24 Nov 12

Claire Khaw ‏@1party4all
@ZASaunders @Rosie_Rocket The existence of Men's Rights groups and @Fathers4Justice suggests men are feeling oppressed.
12:32 PM - 24 Nov 12

Zoe Saunders ‏@ZASaunders
@1party4all @rosie_rocket @fathers4justice significant difference between 'feeling' oppressed & actually being oppressed
 12:35 PM - 24 Nov 12

Claire Khaw
@ZASaunders @Rosie_Rocket @Fathers4Justice How would you define oppression?
12:36 PM - 24 Nov 12

Zoe Saunders ‏@ZASaunders
@1party4all I'd look it up in a dictionary
12:39 PM - 24 Nov 12

Claire Khaw ‏@1party4all
@ZASaunders So you are saying women are more unjustly treated than men? How would you measure this? By how much they whinge and moan?
12:41 PM - 24 Nov 12

Claire Khaw ‏@1party4all
@ZASaunders @Rosie_Rocket Why do you deny the existence of a matriarchy? r u saying a matriarchy does not exist because a patriarchy does?
12:46 PM - 24 Nov 12

Zoe Saunders ‏@ZASaunders
@1party4all no - by the up to date statistical evidence of different pay for women & men doing the same jobs & continuing glass ceiling >
 12:46 PM - 24 Nov 12

Zoe Saunders ‏@ZASaunders
@1party4all lack of women bishops, lack of female MPs, CEO s - I could go on...
 12:46 PM - 24 Nov 12

Claire Khaw ‏@1party4all
@ZASaunders It is the greatest injustice to treat unequal things equally.
 12:47 PM - 24 Nov 12 ·

Claire Khaw ‏@1party4all
@ZASaunders Why did you block me?
12:49 PM - 24 Nov 12

Rosie Harris ‏@Rosie_Rocket
@1party4all @ZASaunders You seem to think matriarchy is a direct opposite of patriarchy. It isn't.
12:58 PM - 24 Nov 12

Rosie Harris ‏@Rosie_Rocket
@1party4all @ZASaunders As far as my own feminism and every other feminist I know is concerned, egalitarian is probably a better word.
12:58 PM - 24 Nov 12

Zoe Saunders ‏@ZASaunders
@Rosie_Rocket @1party4all I entirely agree :)
1:00 PM - 24 Nov 12

Claire Khaw ‏@1party4all
@Rosie_Rocket @ZASaunders Define #patriarchy and #matriarchy then, so we know what we are talking about.
1:03 PM - 24 Nov 12

Notice which question these feminists have not answered.

It seems Zoe Saunders has even won a scholarship.   I would say this is a rather dishonest and unsporting debate, but perhaps typical of the way feminists conduct debates and defend the indefensible.

Zoe Saunders

Zoe Saunders
Call 2003 (Gray’s Inn)
Qualifications BA Joint Hons (Bristol), PGDL (City)
Scholarships David Karmel Award & Lord Justice Holker Scholarship (Gray’s Inn)
Professional Memberships Family Law Bar Association, Western Circuit, FLBA Committee Member, Bar Council Member, Gray’s Inn Barristers Committee Member


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