How far, if at all, did Ruth Dudley and her Facebook friends deal with the issues I raised about Down's Syndrome children? Are their attitudes symptomatic of feminine irrationality, cowardice, hypocrisy and censoriousness?

Ruth Dudley Edwards on 25 July said about Down's Syndrome children in clothes advertisements:  

"This made me feel happy...."

17 people like this.

Claire Khaw So now we will have more Down's Syndrome babies. Why is this considered a Good Thing?
23 hours ago · Like

Carolyn Gibson Are downs syndrome babies worth less then any other baby ?? And honestly Claire your statement displays no logic whatsoever
23 hours ago via Mobile · Like · 1

Jane Griffiths Claire that makes no sense. how does it follow that more Down's babies are going to be born as a result of this?
23 hours ago · Like · 2

Claire Khaw Putting them in ads will make them socially acceptable.
23 hours ago · Like

Claire Khaw I am just saying I won't have one of those, but weaker-minded women might, and these women and their Down's Syndrome offspring will be a burden on the state, which will not be quite so generous as it is now. You are just setting people up to do things that will make them suffer in the long term.
23 hours ago · Like

Jane Griffiths They ARE socially lacceptable. No-one chooses to have a Down's baby, but do you think women who are pregnant with one will decide against an abortion because of this? Do you think all Down's pregnancies should be aborted?
23 hours ago · Like

Claire Khaw I would not have a Down's Syndrome baby. I don't think I am alone on this.
23 hours ago · Like

Claire Khaw I favour legalising infanticide so that parents will have the option of disposing of their unwanted disabled deformed unviable babies without getting into trouble with the law.
23 hours ago · Like

Claire Khaw Having an abortion does rather ruin your pregnancy.
23 hours ago · Like

Claire Khaw I would not have a Down's Syndrome baby and I would discourage any offspring of mine from having one.
23 hours ago · Like

Jane Griffiths you might make that choice, but are you saying others should not have the choice?
23 hours ago · Like

Claire Khaw How am I being illogical, Carolyn? I don't want a Down's Syndrome baby so I don't have it. Why would I encourage others to do things that I myself regard as a Bad Thing?
23 hours ago · Like

Claire Khaw People so often have a problem understanding what I think is a very simple idea. People who want to keep their disabled babies can do so, but they should not expect anyone else to support them in this. If they don't want to keep them they can get rid of them, without getting into trouble with the law.

By proposing the legalisation of infanticide, I am giving parents this option. I am not taking anything away from them, I am just giving them the OPTION of keeping it, or disposing of it.
23 hours ago · Like

Claire Khaw Oh, and if one parent decides not to bring it up out of taxed income, then the other parent will just have to abide by this decision.
23 hours ago · Like

Claire Khaw All very Roman paterfamilias, I know!
23 hours ago · Like

Fiona Pitt-kethley The level of handicap in Down´s Syndrome kids is hugely variable. They seem to be fully-integrated in Spanish State schools which I think is good. As are kids with many other types of handicap. Speech can be improved sometimes by surgery to the tongue, for instance. I did read of one Down´s Syndrome kid coming top as a cadet in Israel some years back. By acceptance and integration a lot more may be possible for these kids than those who want them put down seem to realise.
23 hours ago · Like

Claire Khaw I wouldn't have one. Even when your children are normal there is still a danger of them turning out bad or marrying someone awful, or getting knocked up, or being chased by the CSA for knocking up some slut, or giving you illegitimate children. Ugh.
23 hours ago · Like

Claire Khaw I know this routinely happens now even in the "best" of families in this country. The reason for this is the studied refusal to exercise parental and masculine authority.

Most women are masochists and it is their vile masochistic values and vices that are now allowed to prevail. The evidence for this: say on the radio that you would not wish to bring up a severely disabled baby and you will end being expelled from the BNP.

This demonstrates that cowardice and hypocrisy - feminine vices - rule OK in the UK.
23 hours ago · Edited · Like

Ruth Dudley Edwards Claire, I loathe many of your opinions - including this mean-spirited view of Down's Syndrome children, who are greatly loved - but I tolerate them because this is a free-speech Wall. However, I have asked you before not to hog debates.
23 hours ago · Like · 5

Claire Khaw They live quite long these days and are sexually uninhibited. I know of one anyway. Her poor mother even instructed her older half sisters to not let her watch Hollyoaks because that was where she picked up the idea of having boyfriends, being a lesbian and kissing.

This girl was in primary school too and what she said - laden with sexual references - was found to be excruciatingly embarrassing to her classmates.

You could also tell that this girl was already sexually curious.

Would I like to deal with the problem of having to sterilise my Down's Syndrome daughter to avoid unwanted pregnancy? Nope. Would you ladies?
22 hours ago · Like

Claire Khaw How am I being mean-spirited?
22 hours ago · Like

Fiona Pitt-kethley Since when would any kids find anything laden with sexual references excruciatingly embarrassing
22 hours ago · Like

Claire Khaw Because this child was talking about the other children in her class being her boyfriend or girlfriend.
22 hours ago · Like

Ruth Dudley Edwards A Down's Syndrome baby, or, indeed, any baby, has as much right to live as you have, Claire. Now will you please stop hogging the debate.
22 hours ago · Like · 2

Claire Khaw It is pointless to appeal to masculine reason here then, I suppose. I know you women will just shout me down even if they know in their heart of hearts that I am right. It would be unwomanly to agree with me! Well, I do hope there will be men here who will offer a contrary view rather than just meekly agreeing with the women that my views are vile. I may hope in vain, however, but if I hope in vain then it merely demonstrates the case that Ruth's friends list is gender imbalanced, or, that the men of Britain are just as infantalised as the women.
22 hours ago · Edited · Like

Shane Donaghey i normally ignore trolls, and i definitely don't throw the following suggestion around lightly, but as they used to do what you suggest to the disabled i think it's justified.... did you not catch a flight to argentina with the rest of them after the war then?
21 hours ago · Like · 3

Lizzie Hayes My cousin Eve's second child Richard has Down's Syndrome, he is 40 now and such a lovely person. My cousin knowing that she might not always be there to care for him set up a charity SPIN (Special people in Need) She raised money to build initially one house for Down's Syndrome children to live and support themselves. Richard has been living there with several others for more than 20 years. You could say that part from being a joy, as Richard is, his living has provided happiness for may others and the Trust which Eve set up continues to give benefit and happiness to many others, and not just those with Down's Syndrome.
21 hours ago · Like · 6

Charlotte Fielder Claire it's not really what you say, but the way you choose to say it. You of course (yawn) have the right to express your opinion and you are most certainly exercising that right in abundance, but the manner you choose to express yourself is both offensive and inflammatory.

And no we women aren't meekly agreeing with each other. We just don't agree with you.

Your call for 'the men here,' to join in, as if this is a gender based debate, indicates that you are more interested in provoking responses, than you are in the subject.
21 hours ago via Mobile · Like · 3

Claire Khaw I am simply predicting that all the women will be against me even when presented with cogent and irrefutable evidence. They are only interested in hanging on to what they think is their femininity and to do this they are supposed to ignore all rational argument, to prove how feminine they are. Men, on the other hand, are not in this position. I wonder if there are any who dare agree with me when they are so vastly outnumbered.

I think it is probably the case that these days, men in Britain are similarly infantilised, even the educated ones.
21 hours ago · Edited · Like

Claire Khaw I imagine that any male FB friend of Ruth would hesitate to express his agreement with me here. He would not want to offend Ruth.
21 hours ago · Like

Claire Khaw Can you imagine any man in charge of the ship of state agreeing with me? Of course not, they will be pandering to the views of you women in order to get your votes.
20 hours ago · Like

Belfast Gonzo I think post-natal abortion should be legalized for attention-seeking, wilfully stupid, inhuman, needy Facebook trolls.
18 hours ago · Like · 2

Rosemary van Hattem I think the aptly named Valentina is just adorable. I wish these photos had been around all those years ago when we were having kids. A friend gave birth to a Downs Syndrome baby, and although she's always been a happy and fulfilled child (now adult) these photos of such a happy baby would have been inspirational at the time.
18 hours ago · Like · 2

Claire Khaw Still no attempt to engage with the issues I raised. No man has joined in this discussion. Even the token male "Gonzo" who is so afraid he dare not speak his name dares not.
15 hours ago · Like

Ruth Dudley Edwards Shane is a man, Claire. He thinks you are a trolll. Belfast Gonzo is a man. He wishes you didn't exist. I am a woman who is getting very fed up with your inability to respond to my simple request that you stop hogging debates on my Wall. Consider this a yellow card.
15 hours ago · Like

Claire Khaw But none of these "men" addressed the issues I raised. Is this place a liberal feminist hot spot then? I am the only token social conservative (ie who is then automatically called a Nazi) allowed? But not for much longer? I think you will miss me when I am gone.

For genuine free speech visit

Free speech but only if I and my friends are not offended! Well, that ain't free speech at all, but don't you tell that to a woman!

15 hours ago · Like ·

Fiona Pitt-kethley I think the line between able and disabled is a very fine one. I often do not spot people´s handicaps because I consider them fellow human beings. On the surface I am a normal able-bodied person but compared to some super flexible ballet dancer I am not able...So many levels of physical ability out there. That´s what I am saying. I personally avoided an amniocintesis test in case I was faced with a decision to abort. I was lucky. I had a healthy child. If I hadn´t I guess I would have muddled along somehow.
14 hours ago · Like · 2

Rosemary van Hattem I agree with you re the whole amneoscentesis thing, Fiona. I think if the test had indiated that any of my babies had Down's Syndrome, and I had aborted, I would have spent the rest of my life wondering who that person would have been, what he / she would have looked like. No, I just couldn't have done it.
10 hours ago · Like · 1

Fiona Pitt-kethley Also tests are sometimes wrong. My cousin was told she had a dead baby inside her but had to leave it till full term. Week later she gave birth to perfectly healthy kid who is now old enough to have several of her own.
7 hours ago · Like


  • Disability is a burden on the state and the British taxpayer
  • Many mothers of disabled children are happy to have human pets at the expense of their husbands,  the state and the British taxpayer.
  • Women have the vice of being generous with other people's money.  Their masochistic nature makes them love throwing (other people's) good money after bad.
  • These infantilised women do not care about the long-term national interest as long as they get their way.
  • Many of these mothers use their disabled children to seek attention and privileges at the expense of others.
  • Most women dislike making difficult and unpopular decisions, especially if they make them seem unfeminine, because their feminine identity is more important to them than Truth, Justice or Reason.  That is why cowardice and hypocrisy is a peculiarly feminine vice.  
  • Now that women in Britain wield so much power, they have infected their men with this vice.  
  • Male politicians will pander to these women because they have the vote.
  • Ruth's male Facebook friends would not wish to be seen to be agreeing with me because they would not wish to offend her.  (Can it really be the case that none of her male Facebook friends grasp or agree with any of my points?  If so they are either idiots or cowards.)


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