Divorced women who literally turn their sons into women


Would YOU back your 16-year-old if he wanted to change sex? How Miranda Parram is fighting for her son's human right to wear make-up

‘But Ashlyn’s father and step-father have coped well and my parents are very accepting, though her paternal grandparents have found it harder.

Would YOU let your ex-wife turn your son into a woman?

Big decision: Teenager Ashlyn Parram - who lived as a boy called Lewis - wants to wear make up and women's clothes and has begun hormone treatment  United: Miranda Parram fully supports her daughter Ashlyn and is outraged at people's treatment of the teenager

Note how the Mail reporter Kathryn Knight,

This is the reality of divorce though.  This is what your ex-wife might do - turn your son into a woman to spite you.  There have been other cases too.  



Anonymous said…
He/she/it looks pretty glamourous.

On those grounds, I don't have that many complaints about this case. Some transgender people are actually accepted in some Muslim societies according to what I've read.

One thing, though, Claire, that is worthy of consideration: there is much talk of race, gender, sexual orientation, and so on, right (at least within identity politics)?

So why then is there never any mention of racial orientation? That is to say, the races and/or ethnic groups that one does or does not find attractive as sexual or romantic partners?
Anonymous said…
And also if there is such a thing as 'gender dysphoria', why is there no such thing as 'racial dysphoria'?
Anonymous said…
This is absolute bulsh.
If Ashlyn wants to be the way she is, why not just let her?!
Claire Khaw said…
Because you should protect young people who don't know their own minds.
Anonymous said…
I left some comments here about how "gender dysphoria" is recognised but "racial dysphoria" (i.e. wanting to be a person of another race, rather than wanting to be the opposite sex) is not.

I also made a point about how "sexual orientation" is recognised, but not "racial orientation" (i.e. which races are found attractive or unattractive in a partner).

For example, I could be a white male with "racial dysphoria" (i.e. wanting to be a black man) and a "racial orientation" towards white females.

Did the blog just swallow up these comments or what? I think these issues are worth discussing, no? Also I said that the individual in this particular story actually looks quite... glamourous.
Claire Khaw said…
What do you want to say about "racial orientation" anyway?
Anonymous said…
"Racial dysphoria" (wanting to be a person of another race) and "racial orientation" (being attracted to people of a particular race) are meaningful concepts that I've come up with myself, but nobody really talks about them.

I assume that many white men have a "racial orientation" primarily towards white women, but that's not even something that they give much or any conscious thought to. Many men and women in general of every race will, without even thinking about it, have a "racial orientation" towards partners of their own race. Others may have a "racial orientation" that is open to include partners of other races. Some may even have a "racial orientation" that is against partners of their own race. I suspect that very, very few white heterosexual males have a "racial orientation" that would exclude white females as potential partners. It's worth noting that a "racial orientation" towards one's own race has some parallels with the concept of heterosexism.
Claire Khaw said…
The individual simply finds the best available partner. If both the savvier men and women of a race look for spouses outside their own racial group, then it suggests that there is something wrong about its culture.
Claire Khaw said…
You will all gather that I disapprove of all this gender-bending.

Societies that tolerate this sort of thing tend not to prosper and instead decline and fall.

Men hate that sort of thing, but some women take it as a compliment to them and the really stupid and wicked ones encourage this sort of thing as a badge of superiority and a sign of female supremacy.
Anonymous said…
"If both the savvier men and women of a race look for spouses outside their own racial group, then it suggests that there is something wrong about its culture."

Quite a profound thought, that.
Anonymous said…
"If both the savvier men and women of a race look for spouses outside their own racial group, then it suggests that there is something wrong about its culture."

Quite a profound thought, that.
Paul Lang said…
Hi Claire, in Ashlyn's case all the medical tests and conclusions have confirmed that she has been born and brought up in the wrong sex body. So Ashlyn has been and is being protected by all around her.
Claire Khaw said…
May I know what this condition is? He must have been born with a penis.
Adolfo said…
Is it me or British women are increasingly, clinically insane these days?
Anonymous said…
My father was abusive and was arrested for beating my mom. While he was in jail, we moved and mom later told me that she was afraid I would become like my father so she raised me as a girl. I was 7 then, I am 17 now and love being feminine, I look like any other girl except for my genitals, but hopefully I can correct that too.
Claire Khaw said…
I hope anonymous of 10 September at 2306 will keep us periodically updated about his/her life.
Carolyn-Jayne said…
Wow..what woman would do that?
Claire Khaw said…
Women who only have children as accessories to their lives, I guess.

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