Secularists impose their values on the religious

Why does no one get it that the Secularists are imposing their values on the religious?

Obviously the Secularists are imposing their values on the religious if the Holy Books say homosexuality is an abomination and the secularists are talking about gay marriage.

Obviously the Secularists are imposing their values on the religious if the Holy Books say extramarital sex is a sin and the taxpayer is compelled to pay for Slut Single Mums to have bastards at their expense and not allowed to complain about this in polite society.

Obviously the Secularists are imposing their values on the religious if the Holy Books say usury and gambling is forbidden and the ones who do that most and best are the ones who control these secular governments. (They are now called Technocrats.)

Wake up, people, wake up.

You don't have to believe in God to instinctively know that gay marriage is wrong.

You don't have to believe in God to know that encouraging Slut Single Mums to breed bastards at taxpayer expense is wrong.

You don't have to believe in God to know that compound interest will keep you in servitude for the rest of your life if you were previously unaware of the wisdom of "neither a borrower nor a lender be".

You don't have to believe in God to know that compulsive gambling and drinking is not good for you.

Perhaps we do though, or most of us need to pay lip service to a belief in God in order to observe these rules in a meaningful sense.

You can have a religion without God and our supreme religion now is SECULARISM. Secularism means disobeying the Commandments of God.   Whatever God says we should do the Secularists will not do, and whatever God says we should not do, the Secularists will give licence to.   If God is supposed to be good, then Secularists are clearly the anti-Christ.

I propose a Secular government that follows the commandments of God without requiring a belief in God.   I may be an atheist, but I see the point of ostracising Slut Single Mums, not gambling, not being intoxicated, not allowing the concept of marriage to be hijacked by same-sex couples who already have the civil partnership which confers upon them the rights of a married couple against each other.   They are the ones who are being totalitarian because they are the ones who insist on changing the meaning of word "marriage" in that sinister Orwellian way of theirs.

Wake up, people, wake up, and look your matriarchal oppressor in the eye and say you are not taking any more crap.   Cameron, Clegg and Miliband are only their butler, head gardener and coachman.   The people who these days control them are the Slut Single Mums who make up more than 50% of the mothers of babies born in Britain these days.  We know who is in power by those we cannot criticise.


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