If I ran the BNP David Starkey would already be a member. Ditto Jeremy Clarkson


The miscegenation of the unmarried should be a hot topic amongst nationalists, but I see no sign of this.

We all know why black people are mostly criminal. It is because black people are mostly illegitimate. Now that white people are mostly illegitimate, they have become like black people, as David Starkey says.

Rude though he is, he is not rude enough to criticise Slut Single Mums which really would be lese majeste.

We know who is in power by those we cannot criticise - the matriarchy who protects and encourages the Slut Single Mum, the woman who makes poor reproductive choices eg Riven Vincent and the Bad Mother eg Fiona McKeown who brought the disgraceful quality of British motherhood to international notice.  (Why do the footmen of the matriarchy - men of the Left like Paul Lewis of The Guardian - refuse to see this and admit this?  Probably because they have taken on the feminine characteristics of denial, prevarication, hypocrisy and cowardice because it profits them to behave more like women than like men.   http://thebattlefieldoflove.blogspot.com/2011/11/orwell-prize-writing-riots-my-encounter.html)

Yet, even then, the degenerate British felt no shame about Fiona McKeown who had cast British motherhood in such a bad light, and only cast around to see whom they could blame for the easily preventable misfortune that befell her late sexually active under-aged daughter.

The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world and the hand that rocks the cradle of the illegitimate British baby is a SLUT SINGLE MUM.  It is she who is responsible for the DEGENERACY of the White Race and, very soon the fall of Western civilisation.

Sadly, degenerate white men no longer have the courage to criticise their women and will expel anyone from their nationalist party anyone who criticises their Slut Single Mums (whom they have now in effect deified), especially if they have Disabled and Illegitimate Offspring.

Tragically for them, they have made a god of their appetites and now worship it slavishly.



YUSUFALI: Nay, the wrong-doers (merely) follow their own lusts, being devoid of knowledge. But who will guide those whom Allah leaves astray? To them there will be no helpers. 

PICKTHAL: Nay, but those who do wrong follow their own lusts without knowledge. Who is able to guide him whom Allah hath sent astray? For such there are no helpers. 

SHAKIR: Nay! those who are unjust follow their low desires without any knowledge; so who can guide him whom Allah makes err? And they shall have no helpers.


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