So Cameron is now officially a promoter of Mumsnet? His take on children with SENs Well, at least he is making noises to the effect that he is not too happy about these older mothers with their Down's Syndrome and autistic children (which they like boasting about) shoving their children in mainstream schools, suing the school for their very own special adult to pick up after them and follow them around, slowing things down for everyone. If your kind is a retard then just send it to a School for Children with SENs, even if you think this might "stigmatise" it rather than drag us all down, you selfish bitches. The teachers hate it too, because they are not trained to deal with your retard with its behavioural problems when there are already so many "normal" kids with behavioural problems. shows that suing your school to give your specially needier child a special carer and special privileges has now become a legal specialisa...
Do they really like fat, nagging, alcoholic, farting White British girls better than skinny brown Pakistani girls?