BBC TV = Crone TV: Women virtually unsackable in Britain's Demented Matriarchy

Live by the sword, die by the sword.

Get your job because of your looks, lose the job because you have lost them.

Looks like BBC TV is going to be full of old crones reading the news and forecasting the weather in the years to come.  When that happens no one will want to watch Crone TV and the BBC will lose influence and be held in hatred, ridicule and contempt as will Paedo Bastard Britain Slutland. 


Adolfo said…
HRH Andromeda I,
And what did you expect in a country where Camila Parker Bowles is the top princess. Oh, sorry, I forgot that she's just a fron for Prince Charles real tastes.
P. S. I am affraid that you are in real, real deep shit. Maybe you are just paying for your imperialist crimes.
Adolfo said…
HRH Andromeda I,
I guess you got it wrong. This whole thing is a PR stunt engineered by the BBC to bolster its audience levels. Just think about it. They are not renewing a TV news program, but launching a TV sitcom. Yes, they will call it ‘The TV News Crowd’, the BBC answer to ‘The IT Crowd’ produced by Channel Four. If you don’t agree with me you can play this other angle: This is nothing but the new season of ‘Little Britain’, wrapped as a reality show.
P. S. From some time now I have thought that the BBC has lowered the quality of its productions. When Louis Theroux is your big star, it’s time to call the headquarters: ‘London, we have a problem’. Anyway, here in Mexico, the BBC programs are broadcasted by the state owned Channel 11, and announced as ‘The High Quality TV from England’. What happened to the BBC? What happened to the UK?

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