Bastard, Slut, Slapper and Slag-Creating BBC should be strung up together with anyone who praised this pile of SHITEहटमल

There were certain assumptions that I found objectionable.

1. The assumption that it was OK for Lindsey's fuck-bitch mum to make her dad leave home because she has fallen in love with another man.

2. The scene in sex ed when all the children were given penis models to put condoms on.  That was presumably where Lindsey's eyes met those of her intended fuck (but I was out the room at the time). 

3. The fact that the teacher who was telling them how to put a condom on properly had a very noticeable band of tattoo around her right arm.

4. The fact that it was "normal" to join your fellow CHAVs in the park for a smoke (cannabis) and for a drink (alcoholic).

5. The fact that is "normal" to shag that boy you know from school in in the park because he asked you nicely.

6. The fact that is "normal" for one schoolgirl to discuss with another how to give the best blowjobs that will make him blow his mind ie how to delay his orgasm for 5 minutes and then make him come so intensely that he comes all over your long blond hair.

Last night was Lindey's story. Tonight is Robert's story.

Is it any surprise that Asians groom white schoolgirls for sex as the BNP claim, one wonders? These white girls will do it for fucking NOTHING because it is their culture to shag anyone, anytime, anywhere.

DIVE had rave reviews in Radio Times, by the way, and also The Guardian.

"Teenage 'ambitions' "?

I wonder how the story will end tonight. Lindsey gets knocked up of course, but instead of having an abortion, she decides to keep it so she can have a bit of attention, no doubt, because she comes from a broken home. 

Oh yes, and she is training for the 2012 Olympics so by any standards she has fucked up her life.

Fucking stupid bloody SHITE. Only in Britain, eh?

Maybe it is now time for an Islamic Revolution. Anything would be better than being told by the bastard and slut slag slapper BBC that this sort of sewage is normal, desirable and will end happily, as we will be told tonight in the second part. 

Has Dominic Savage many illegitimate children who will go forth, multiply and give him a whole horde illegitimate CHAV grandchildren that he has so blithely encouraged?  Surely he cannot wish such a fate on himself and any children that he has?  Or are these pervy liberals so sick that they actually want this to happen to them?

This is what he proudly says about DIVE:

"The idea was to celebrate the idea of having a baby. It's not a scandal, it's a wonderful thing and Lindsey shows that with her decision to keep the baby, and when she does she finds that her ambition returns.

"In the end it's showing that both are possible, you can have a baby and you can achieve your dreams. That's what the end suggests, the relationship could work out, but certainly she's doing her thing, being herself, and she has her baby."

Fucking hell!  It is not every day I feel like stoning someone to death, but this is different and special.

Let it be noted that Serena Davies, TV critic of The Daily FUCKING Telegraph, no less, has written praising the brilliance of Dom "Perv" Savage's pro-bastard pro-single mum propaganda.  What is it about these slut-promoting-bitch journos who want more pregnant schoolgirls in Britain?  She pretentiously describes Savage as "an auteur", whatever that means.  Time to stop buying that filthy rag?  At least The Sun knows where it stands.

All this puzzling praise seems to be coming from female TV critics.  Did Savage shag them all and tell them he will marry them or something, or do they just happen to have shite taste in dramas and no morals?  Bribed or just starstruck? You tell me. 


James Oliver said…
"Oh yes, and she is training for the 2012 Olympics so by any standards she has fucked up her life."
Love it! I so despise the constant drivel about the olympics.

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