My proposal to Sir Stuart on discovering he is single and looking

Sir Stuart Rose
Marks & Spencer
Waterside House
35 North Wharf Road
W2 1NW
11 June 2010

Dear Sir Stuart


“It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife.”

But I have something even better than that to offer you.

It is a contract of cohabitation with optional sex and optional fidelity. This means it is neither prohibited nor compulsory.

Such a contract cannot be entered into with the intention of having a physical relationship, nor can it be terminated on grounds relating to any physical relationship that may arise.

It is contracted purely for reasons of convenience, economy, companionship and security.

While I am aware you may not wish for such a limited contract, I do assure you that it has great potential and offers greater protection for the assets of the wealthier partner.

I am responsible for: - opinion-polling direct democracy - gender-relations and sexuality - politics explained

and can be found on Facebook.

No doubt you will be in touch if you wish to take this further.

Yours sincerely

Claire Khaw


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