Dr Caren Grown wants to move Feminist Economics *further* into Policies and Institutions


Caren Grown is senior gender advisor in the Bureau of Policy, Planning and Learning, where she leads USAID’s efforts to integrate gender equality and female empowerment throughout the agency’s policies and programs.

Is this woman either stupid or evil and should she be stopped?

Is the Matriarchal West not already suffering from a surfeit of feminism, makings its people degenerate, its industries uncompetitive, its government incompetent and its institutions corrupt?

Is it quite right to offer someone who is already intoxicated and suffering from cirrhosis of the liver more alcohol?  (Publicans and doctors will already know the correct answer to this question.)

Date: Thursday 14 February 2013 
Time: 6.30-8pm 
Venue: Sheikh Zayed Theatre, New Academic Building
Houghton Street
Speaker: Dr Caren Grown

http://thebattlefieldoflove.blogspot.co.uk/2012/07/too-many-women-have-vote-and-solution.html has the basis of my campaign called TELLING FEMINISM TO FUCK OFF


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