No fault divorce, bad mothering and the right to bear arms

Nancy and her husband Peter, Adam's father, divorced in 2009. When they first filed for divorce in 2008, a judge ordered that they participate in a "parenting education program."

Claire Khaw ‏@1party4all
@AbiHaworth #Feminism is #evil. It promotes promiscuity and spreads illegitimacy [and bad mothering too I should have said] like a cancer. Kill it now before it kills you.
8:09 AM - 15 Dec 12

Claire Khaw ‏@1party4all
@AbiHaworth Could you confidently say that if Adam Lanza's father had been around he would have gone on a rampage?
8:15 AM - 15 Dec 12

Claire Khaw ‏@1party4all
@AbiHaworth If Nancy Lanza divorced her husband for trivial reasons then that should b a lesson 4 bitches who deprive their sons of fathers.
8:17 AM - 15 Dec 12

Nancy Lanza divorced Adam’s father, Peter, in 2008. Peter Lanza, now a vice president of taxes for GE Energy Financial Services, agreed to annual alimony payments that started at $240,000 and would have reached $298,800 in 2015.

The couple had married on June 6, 1981, in Kingston, N.H. — where Adam Lanza was born — and the divorce hit Peter Lanza hard, his lawyer said.

“He was very upset that he was getting divorced, but he didn’t want to take it out on anybody,” said attorney Gary Oberst.

Read more:

Claire Khaw ‏@1party4all
@AbiHaworth We already know that many wives would not hesitate to divorce their husbands for trivial reasons to get half their stuff.
8:17 AM - 15 Dec 12

Claire Khaw ‏@1party4all
@AbiHaworth Fortunately, Peter Lanza the father of the gunman is still alive so we can find out if his wife divorced him for trivial reasons
8:20 AM - 15 Dec 12

Claire Khaw ‏@1party4all
Should parents be held responsible for the actions of their children?
8:24 AM - 15 Dec 12

Claire Khaw ‏@1party4all
@AbiHaworth Why did you delete your tweet about single mums and Adam Lanza going on a rampage cos his mother divorced his father?
8:27 AM - 15 Dec 12

Abigail Haworth ‏@AbiHaworth
Just had to delete my last tweet because of barrage of replies vilifying single mothers. Ugh. First experience of toxic Twitter.
8:27 AM - 15 Dec 12

Claire Khaw ‏@1party4all
Oh dear. @AbiHaworth has blocked me on Twitter cos I responded to her tweet about #singlemums.
8:28 AM - 15 Dec 12

Claire Khaw ‏@1party4all
Why do #feminists like @AbiHaworth always defend #singlemums? What have they got against married couples? Are feminists #evil?
8:29 AM - 15 Dec 12

Claire Khaw ‏@1party4all
Abigail Haworth predicted that #singlemums would be vilified because Adam Lanza's mum divorced his dad, then deleted her tweet.
8:33 AM - 15 Dec 12

Claire Khaw ‏@1party4all
What kind of a mother was Adam Lanza's mother? Why did she divorce her husband Peter?
8:35 AM - 15 Dec 12

Claire Khaw ‏@1party4all
Every time we hear something bad that could have been caused by a single mother we should ask ourselves what kind of a mother she was.
8:37 AM - 15 Dec 12

Claire Khaw ‏@1party4all
Every time we hear something bad that could have been caused by a #singlemum we should ask ourselves what kind of mum she was. @AbiHaworth
8:39 AM - 15 Dec 12

Claire Khaw ‏@1party4all
@NRA Don't let a divorced bad mother whose son shot her and others threaten your constitutional right to bear arms.
8:42 AM - 15 Dec 12

Claire Khaw ‏@1party4all
If you are divorced and your son kills you and others, then you are a bad mother, aren't you? #feminism @AbiHaworth @NRA
8:45 AM - 15 Dec 12

If you had a son you were worried about, why would you think he would be better off without his father?

If such a mother deprived such a son of his father, is she evil, or just stupid?

Why did Adam Lanza commit matricide and then go on a gun rampage?

I think he did it to cause his mother maximum embarrassment in revenge for being what he must have considered to be a bad mother.   

The Left and feminists want and promote big government. The Right and most men want to protect themselves from big government.

The NRA should turn this into an ideological battle between feminists (who are the cause of bad mothering with their pernicious laws that encourage wives to divorce their husbands for trivial reasons and to bail out immoral and irresponsible women who make bad reproductive choices), and men who want to protect themselves from the totalitarian state the matriarchy has created by asserting their right to bear arms to protect them against a corrupt and tyrannical state that cannot or will not protect them from criminals.


Would you like to nominate Claire Khaw for the iPM New Year Honour for being the most entertainingly philosophical, political and theological Woman of the Year?  Go on, go on, go on!

They won't let me win, but you will succeed in annoying them if the nominations keep coming in.


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