Six months for boy who raped girl of 11 - white WOMAN'S justice that makes the white man an INTERNATIONAL LAUGHING STOCK

Sounds like the girl's mother is a Slut Single Mum. Why does nobody blame her useless mother? Why does the government need £1.2M to "tackle the issue"? Why don't they shoot the bastard? How much does a bullet cost?

The bastard who raped must be sniggering at white man's justice.

But is it white man's justice, or white WOMAN's justice?

White woman's liberal feminist poo piss justice is all about being making it costly, ineffective and designed to encourage more criminals to do what he did, while pissing in the face of our joke of a criminal justice  system.

This is not even white man's justice, it is white WOMAN'S justice.

Have a look at the women and the token man in charge of seeing to it that criminals do not get punished properly.

Have a look at these bleeding heart liberals who punish the victim and protect the scum, probably because they don't think any of this shit could ever happen to their own daughters.

Frances Crook, Chief Executive

Appointed in 1986, Frances Crook has been responsible for research programmes and campaigns to raise public concern about suicides in prison, the over-use of custody, poor conditions in prison, young people in trouble, and mothers in prison. She writes articles for the national media and does interviews on radio and television. She was awarded an OBE for services to youth justice in the 2010 New Year Honours List. She was appointed a Senior Visiting Fellow at the London School of Economics in 2010.

Tabitha Bushill, Legal Director 

Tabitha leads the legal team. She oversees all of the legal work ensuring that the legal team complies with the highest standards and works to improve the life chances and treatment of children and young people in the penal system. She has experience of working in the public, private and voluntary sector and is practised in providing legal advice and intervention to prisoners.

Anita Dockley, Research Director

Anita Dockley is responsible for developing the charity’s research capacity, forging links with academics and universities, funders and partner organisations. Her own research interests include suicide and self-harm in prisons, women in prison and order and control in the prison environment. She has recently been appointed as a member of  the law sub panel in the 2014 Research Excellence Framework assessments.

Euginia Lolomari, Director of Finance and Corporate Services

Euginia Lolomari is responsible for finance, administration and business development. She leads on finance, resources, membership and personnel issues.
Token Male in Bleeding Heart Organisation - the Metropolitan Police has set up the Heart programme, focusing on educating vulnerable girls about relationships.

How effective do you think this EU-funded organisation is going to be?  Why don't we just stop these SLUT SINGLE MUMS right in their tracks (Did you know it says in the Koran to lash Slut Single Mums 100 times?  Wouldn't that be so much more effective than any kind of Bleeding HEART Programme?)  Why don't we call the cops on feminism NOW?


Anonymous said…
"White woman's liberal feminist poo piss justice"

That one made me smile.

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