This generation is DEGENERATE because of its slut and bastard ancestry. What is degeneracy? Being stupider, weaker and poorer than your parents, and emotionally less robust as well as more criminal. There was a reason why they stoned SSMs to death in Old Testament times. What causes degeneracy? The female choosing the father of her children in a way that causes degeneracy. Most white females will fuck anyone. When they get knocked up, the men are too afraid to criticise their morals, because most men want their sex with sluts cheap and easy. To criticise sluts means you won't get any sex from them. These sluts then bring up their illegitimate offspring badly, making them useless and unproductive, criminal, neurotic and morbidly obese, getting fat, ugly, bad and big from the taxes you pay. This means the bastard offspring of sluts are unfit to join the labour force necessitating the need for immigrant labour. It is FEMINISM, gentlemen, that is responsible for the...