Katie Price is Slut Single Mum of the Year for two years running


Scummy British mums who have no pride and feel no shame vote for scummy British slut single mum of the year.

If you are married and have children by the same husband and they are not disabled and who are actually doing well at school, you are just a piece of SHIT in Paedo Bastard Britain Slutland.

If you want to be mum of the year, you would be some shit hot great grandmother with generations of slut and bastard descendants all on welfare.

SHITTY PISSY PUSSY British men think this is OK.

Or they have had their dicks cut off and stuffed in their mouths so hard they are now mute in their emasculation.

They are fucking beyond help now.

Will there be a single British man saying anything about this?

Will they FUCK.

They will be going around with their dicks hanging out in parks begging children to give them blowjobs, probably.  Or jerking themselves off to porn at home or at work ...  

They certainly won't be saying anything about their disgusting women who are bringing up the next generation of paedo slut bastards.



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