White male politicians in the West show yet more signs of sex-obsessed feeble-mindedness because their women are so cheap

Married sex-obsessed liberal politician


If a man wants to seduce me I would rather he waved his wallet and credit cards at me rather than his cock. Does this sort of thing work on white girls? I can hardly believe it. Are they so stupid, low and cheap that this sort of thing works with them? 


knn said…
@Khaw ((("If a man wants to seduce me I would rather he waved his wallet and credit cards at me rather than his cock.")))

I disagree.

It's known already that Weiner is rich, famous and influential.

Thus waving his underpants is completely appropriate AND on a gradient scale.
knn said…
By the way, you again make the same mistake as with your stance against pornography: Your statements could have come out of the mouth of a feminist.

In other words: You criticize men's (or a man's) sexual behavior.

I understand that you personally may have something against "proud pants pictures".

But the fact remains that you post your criticism as a libertarian anti-feminist but sound like a conservative feminist.

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