Why British men are the even weaker sex


"Almost half of Ukip's core support is female, unlike the male-dominated BNP, suggesting it is attracting women sensitive to "party reputations for racism and intolerance".

Most women be seen dead with the BNP - they think BNP men are bunch of lower class lowlife scum.

They don't want to have anything to do with men who can't compete with foreigners. Being seen with anyone from the BNP would lower their status. It would be like having a retard for your boyfriend or a stammerer. Women are very status-conscious, don't you know, and very insecure.

You know the way women really want you to kill a bug that is bothering them and then tell you what a beast you are for doing what they asked you to do?

Well, lots of *men* think like these women too nowadays.  They have been feminised and infantilised after so many decades of feminism, which started with the Sex Revolution after the pill, and the Sex Discrimination Act 1975.

These men and women who join UKIP and denigrate the BNP are cowards and hypocrites. Men of the BNP: your enemy is not the Muslims but the Red and Green that is sharing your bed or the one who will not share your bed because of your political affiliations.  These women don't know they are doing it, because they haven't got the powers of self-analysis to work it out, but that is what they do to themselves and do to YOU, if you let them get away with it.

The truth is that the BNP and UKIP need to merge to effectively challenge the LibLabCon, but there are all those pussies in UKIP and elsewhere frightened by the taint of racism, and like to think there is enough time for UKIP to faff around for a few more decades while hoping and praying for the BNP to destroy itself.

They should know by now that UKIP is for middle class old men and women afraid of being called racists and that the BNP is mostly working class young men not afraid of being called racists.   Unity is required to fight the LibLabCon but instead they continue to preach separation and division.

I am not racist, of course, but I am old and ugly enough to know that politics is a dirty business.  Indeed, I believe politicians ought to be the sewage treatment workers of ideas, but they are these days only too afraid of getting their hands dirty and pretending that the mess is not either not theirs or doesn't need cleaning up.

Men of the BNP: your enemy is not the Muslims but the Red and Green that is sharing your bed. They don't know they are doing it, because they haven't got the powers of self-analysis to work it out, but that is what they do to themselves and do to YOU, if you let them get away with it.

Men can't work that out because they are powered by the promptings and twitches of the contents of their trousers. It shouldn't be their thinking organ, but it is, for most of them.

Lots of men in the BNP would happily give up their political beliefs if they could find a woman seductive enough to make them give it all up.

Therein lies the truth of why lust is one of the seven deadly sins. Men, because they are attracted to women, are afraid of women, or, more precisely, afraid of being shunned by women. More women shun you for being BNP than men, is that not true, Men of the BNP?

So, how does it feel to have your Prime Minister say he is afraid of the harpies on Mumsnet? You know, those middle class single mothers and working mothers, who are bad employees, bad mothers and bad wives who will divorce you the moment they get bored and irritated by you?

Can such a society survive for long?  Of course we are going to be taken over by the Muslims the way we are carrying on.

But hey, keep blaming the Muslims who question feminism, rather than blame your own patterns of behaviour.

Men, when you see a woman you fancy, do you ask yourself about her morals or do you only think about whether she will let you fuck her?

The morals of a woman is discerned mainly by the quality and number of her sex partners.  The morals of a man is chiefly judged by his courage, and these days, because of feminism and gender equality, the morals of British men are not too far apart from the morals of the typical promiscuous British female.

That is why the country is just a largish turd floating around waiting to go when the cistern fills up again.


Anonymous said…
That confirms what I thought. 'Racism' can be found in men of all ages, and sometimes in women who have already had their children, but almost never in young women.

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