The feminine vices of our political classes

Women are mostly in the dishonourable position of wishing to wound but afraid to strike. This was how Michael Portillo described himself when he could have made a bid for the leadership of the Conservative Party, when his courage failed him.

Women judge but do not condemn and rarely have the courage of their own convictions. They also have a horror of making fools of themselves or sticking their head above the parapet.

Most of them like hanging on to their sense of virtue while getting men to do their dirty work, such as taking the rubbish out, dealing with intruders, bringing home the bacon, and squashing that bug.

Have our political classes taken on the worst vices of women unbeknownst to us?

Are they behaving like a neurotic and feeble-minded old nanny suffering from Alzheimers who has not yet quite got round to telling her charges, now all well over 21, that Santa Claus does not in fact exist?

She fears that they will be first disappointed to learn of his non-existence and then become angry that they have been lied to for so long.

This may explain why Tory and Labour are playing this insane word game of talking about cuts without saying the C word, as well as pretending that there exists a distinction between cuts in public expenditure and cuts in public services.

Do the British deserve to be ruled by a bunch of old women? Perhaps most of them behave and think like a bunch of demented, frightened, malicious old hags, but surely there must a few who have such some passing acquaintance with the masculine concepts of honour, courage, truth and straight-talking?

But not enough to make a difference, probably.


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