The Porn Star Aspirations of the Average It Girl

Paul Bracchi seems to be saying that the women who live fast they fast.

Amy Barnes was very fast indeed, and was, to use an old-fashioned term, sexually promiscuous and unashamed to be seen to be associated with porn.

But was she some sink-school slag and slapper and a member of the underclass? No, she was privately-educated, worked for charity and her mother, though divorced, was married to her stepfather.

She even worked for many charities.

She seems to all intents and purposes a Paris Hilton clone, and might have progressed to become a high-earning porn star if her career had not been so violently interrupted by her psychopathic ex-boyfriend, Ricardo Morrison, who could have been a footballer but didn't because he had a bad attitude.

How curious that no one who knew her thought anything to say that this a bit of a waste of a private education, especially those who might have had to pay for it.

The 'picture' shows the friends baring their cleavage at a promotion by lads' magazine Nuts. A girl called Rebecca Cadwallader is in a leopard-print lingerie. Another, Heather Stretch, wears black bra and panties and stilettos. There is also a line-up of about 20 young women in revealing outfits at a 'Playboy night'.

One of them was the subject of a Sunday newspaper story. She was said to have 'scored' with a Manchester United player in a Travelodge toilet.

More revealing perhaps than the depressing soft porn theme of Amy's 'memorial' site is the fact that these girls did not set out deliberately to shock or be provocative.

For them, it's normal behaviour - online and off-line in the bars and clubs of Manchester, which are a magnet for young women like Amy. It is also a major football city.

The two go hand in hand. Supply and demand, in other words.

So what is it that turns bright, respectable young girls into women who like to be photographed in a few scraps of clothing, and for whom some half-witted footballer is the ultimate prize?

Live fast, die young, eh?

No surprise there, but I find it odd that her parents did not see fit to discourage her from her lifestyle choice of Football Bimbo, especially after paying school fees of £5,000 a year.

If they lived in a high-rise tower block in a crime-infested low-rent neighbourhood, that would be understandable.

Perhaps I am being a bit unBritish myself in not wanting any daughter of mine to have no higher aspiration than to marry a half-witted bad lad footballer?

But would that be altogether A Bad Thing? It does seem to be a waste of a private education.


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