Supporting the traditional family by David Jones
The "traditional" family! Does it remind you of your mother walking around in dress and petty coat or dad driving a car from the "fifties."? Why is everyone so afraid of being labelled "old fashioned?" Though in many respects we are better off materially, we all know there is something amiss, and just because things are new and progressive doesn't automatically mean they are right. Not that there was ever a “golden age” as there was never a time when everything was perfect but rather when things were more right with how people acted in society in general. It was a time when: ~ People taught their children how to behave in public and at home. Children did not rule the house, they were given clearly understood directions as to what is acceptable and what is not. ~ Children were taught the meaning of money and hard work. If something gets broken there isn't always money to buy another's a life lesson all children must to learn....