In my humble opinion, the Koran, interpreted correctly, would be the middle way between tradition and innovation the patriarchy and the matriarchy communism and capitalism. That is why I, as an atheist, would be happy to be guided by it. It is all in the interpretation. I, being legally trained, am claiming that I know better than anyone else in the Western world how to interpret the Koran in accordance with the dictates of Reason, Justice and Humanity, which would be in keeping with the best of Western traditions. "All things are subject to interpretation. Whichever interpretation prevails at a given time is a function of power and not truth." - Nietzsche "God is a paradox - an omnipotent entity of perfection conceived in the mind of mortal and flawed Man. Such a perfect instrument of government is misused, because Man does not know his own mind and often loses his reason." Me "It is Wisdom that allows us to distinguish between Good...