
Showing posts from April, 2012

Sickly sentimental mawkish programme about dead disabled baby Listen to this disgusting programme made by women for women and effeminate men who then all start blubbing and then go and have a good vomit.   

Feminism more dangerous than immigration and how Islam could be the solution! " ... the  predominance of feminism in Norway creates a situation potentially more immediately  destabilising than that of  immigrants because  women, unlike immigrants, already form more than 50% of the population.   There is a majority with a vested interest in perpetuating and expanding   feminist privileges at the expense of men. In the longer term a situation of great irony could arise in Norway, with the demands of feminism clashing with those of  other groups created by the politically correct,  especially Muslims, to crush feminist policies." "What is the non-violent means to break the hold on power of elites  who would destroy the societies they come from through mass immigration, obsessively enforce  political correctness  and  ruthlessly suppress  dissent to what they are doing  through the criminali...

Why feminism makes men go gay

Like a revelation, I suddenly realised, waiting to pay at the supermarket watching a man looking very miserable with woman and a child he was with, why so many men are going gay. If I were a man I would not marry without a marriage contract.  Since most lawyers in this country don't get it, or pretend they don't, I would have to convert to Islam to get myself a decent wife, rather than one who will divorce me in a few years to get my house and deprive me of my children.   I may not wish to convert to Islam and may still wish to have lots of sex.  If that is the case, then an option might be to go gay if there is no particular stigma in doing this any more and if I am not too bothered about going to my grave without producing offspring.   Two years ago, Stephen Fry rather got into trouble with saying that women didn't really like sex and if you were a man and wanted sex the best sex you could get was from another man.

Feminism leads to consumerism, both BAD for your society

http:www.theguardian/commentisfree/2012/apr/27/deborah-orr-only-profitable-work There is a hint of equating feminism with consumerism in this piece by Deborah Orr, do you not think?

Reviving the Cult of the Vestal Virgin

If we are to have a job creation scheme for unmarried women, we would do better to have a Cult of the Vestal Virgin than to keep these women in employment in social work at great  expense to the taxpayer, ministering to the hopeless cases and wasting precious national resources in the process. After all, social problems are created by promiscuous women and bad mothers, and then the feminists have the cheek to expect us to believe that only they sort ouf the problems that they themselves created. Sounds a bit like a protection racket to me. "You better pay us to protect you from our boys who might smash up your shop." Obviously, the more people who willingly submit to extortion the more extortioners there will be. Social workers are the parasites of parasites, it would appear. Time to call the cops on the feminists, then! My proposed Cult could be a combination of a finishing school for chaste girls of good character...

Sexist hoodie for girls

Imagine the fuss if it said: "Girls are stupid.  Throw rocks at them!"   

Gender Inequality Demonstrating the Hypocrisy of Feminism


Are any of these bloggers really better than me? I only ask others because I already know do not have the necessary objectivity to make this judgement.  Of course I think my blogs are the best around, for they make points that are revolutionary that leave the Liberal Feminist Left spluttering with indignation yet devoid of a counter-argument. I therefore ask YOU, dear reader, what you think of the quality of the submissions for the blog prize shortlist, compared to mine which you will find at .

Feminism is a Nationalist Issue

Thank you all for looking in, but I rather suspect you are only popping your head round the door more now because of those Nazi photos I had of myself taken with David Jones of Todmorden, formerly of the BPP at I do have another blog which concerns gender politics and it is at   Do please subscribe to it if you find it of interest. Feminism is a nationalist issue (though it is not treated as such by nationalists because they of all  people suffer  most  from the degeneracy caused by feminism). Let us hope it is not too late to now time to discuss the subject of feminism earnestly and rationally. I, a female and foreigner, presume to speak for white men in the West because they are no longer capable of speaking for themselves. For nationalism to succeed, nationalists need to treat each other honourably, but, being victims of a degenerate matriar...

Another example of how the matriarchy censors free speech - Big Sister is worse than Big Brother Listen to women whingeing about how social media need to be policed more to preserve the anonymity of women who are claim to be rape victims.   

Claire Khaw, Atheist Theocrat

In my humble opinion, the Koran, interpreted correctly, would be the middle way between tradition and innovation the patriarchy and the matriarchy communism and capitalism.  That is why I, as an atheist, would be happy to be guided by it. It is all in the interpretation. I, being legally trained, am claiming that I know better than anyone else in the Western world how to interpret the Koran in accordance with the dictates of Reason, Justice and Humanity, which would be in keeping with the best of Western traditions. "All things are subject to interpretation. Whichever interpretation prevails at a given time is a function of power and not truth."  - Nietzsche "God is a paradox - an omnipotent entity of perfection conceived in the mind of mortal and flawed Man. Such a perfect instrument of government is misused, because Man does not know his own mind and often loses his reason."  Me "It is Wisdom that allows us to distinguish between Good...

"Some people think being gay is a sin. Get over it."

Domestic Violence – Should The Definition Change? At least 1 in 4 women in the UK will experience domestic violence in their lifetime, but is the term ‘domestic violence’ preventing women from seeking help, since many abusive relationships do not involve physical violence. A government consultation has just ended and asks whether the definition should be widened to include the phrase “coercive control.” Jenni is joined by Sam Baker, Editor of Red Magazine, which has launched a campaign called Speak Up, Save A Life to draw attention to abusive relationships, and to Diana Barran, Chief Executive of the national charity Co-ordinated Action Against Domestic Abuse. Could "coercive control" mean a tone in your voice or a glint in your eye? It will mean that you, as a father and a husband, will no longer be allowed to persuade your wife or children about some important moral issue in a way that would make them feel uncomfortable or harassed.  Indeed, you will no longer be allowed to...

Why the more cowardly nationalists are distancing themselves from me

As I have mentioned at , Nick Griffin has blocked me from following him on Twitter. Jez Turner who organises the London Forum meetings told me on 24 March, the day of the last London Forum meeting that I was "suspended from attending the meeting pending investigations".    He later made out that I was an informant for Hope Not Hate , but even my worst enemy, who threatened in the past to maim then kill me  - Cheryl Dunn - does not believe that of me.  (Thank you, Chez!   x x x  I hope that's all water under the bridge now that we have both been expelled from the BNP.) I thought and thought and thunked and thunked wondering what the reason could have been.  It really could not have been racial reasons because,  they must have known what race I was  before I attended the the previous and only London Forum Meeting I ever attended  ...

How to get Yang Guang to impregnate Tian Tian

Image Instead of fussing around with love tunnels and the like, Tian Tian should simply be restrained, so that Yang Guang can have his wicked way with her, again and again and again, perhaps.   Sadly, I know this very practical and sensible suggestion will be ignored.

A morality tale on separating from your husband for trivial reasons?

Bartlam, a former public schoolboy, who was jailed for life yesterday, had also been fascinated by violent video games rated 18 and DVDs, including Nightmare on Elm Street and the Evil Dead series, since the age of eight. Read more: Their father, Adrian Bartlam, separated from Jacqueline in 2005. His parents were separated in 2005 when he was 7. At 8 he was watching horror movies when his mum became a single mum. Says Mr Matters: “As soon as I found out Jacqui had been killed I knew instantly Daniel had done it… The warning signs have been there since he was 11…What he watched beggars belief. He viewed pornographic, incest and rape websites. He even looked...

Feminism is a Nationalist Concern

If you don't get this, you don't get anything at all. The only reason why immigrant labour has been let in by successive Tory and Conservative governments is because every country, no matter how wealthy, needs a labour force. Clearly, women have been too busy competing with men to do their own work properly, which is to bring up the next generation and bring it up well. Why are there so many Slut Single Mums who have sons who are NEETs and who have daughters who are also SSMs like them? The quality of British motherhood and the morals of British women are to blame, of course. But this is something no one wants to acknowledge, even the INDEPENDENT PANEL tasked to discover the causes of the riots we had in England last year, presumably because they too are afraid offending Slut Single Mum PARASITES. We know who is in power by whom we cannot criticise. But why are we allowing the ...

Discuss this with every woman you hope to fuck or marry

Image Noteworthy extracts that should be discussed at every dinner party to test the patience of the women.  I bet you will find that they will never speak to you again, let alone be invited back. EXTRACT 1 "Females enforce conformity.  Females vary less than males. Exceptionally gifted  individuals are almost always male." EXTRACT 2 "Females have a deep desire for safety and moderation, which has its origin in her childbearing role.  The practice of derogating anyone who sticks out from the crowd is well known. If female influence is unchecked the result is a degenerating cycle of blandness, mediocrity and cultural stagnation." EXTRACT 3 "Females are immature.  The evolutionary origin is that immature females interact more successfully with children and make better mothers. ...

The next step for nationalists

What I have noticed about nationalists (both men and women) is that while many of them tell me privately that they agree with me about feminism, they cannot actually bring themselves to say so in public because they do not want to be a pariah of pariahs, like me. This would mean that they are even more afraid of their women (who are overwhelmingly sluts) than the Jews, Muslims, foreigners and the liberal political establishment that they are always complaining about Who are sluts?  Technically, any woman who sleeps with a man not her husband is a slut. A slut is different from a prostitute in that a prostitute gives the punter a price up front, while a slut pretends it is free and makes the man and society pay for the sex later. That is why a prostitute should always be considered a degree above a slut single mother, because she plies an honest trade, unlike the Slut Single Mum. While I know that the overwhelming majority of white British women are sluts - because they ...

Fear can be worse than Knowledge

The fear of a husband that his wife's children may not be his is worse than the knowledge of a wife that her husband is unfaithful.   

Feminism, Degeneracy and Immigration, in that order

The reason why successive governments have conspired to let immigrants in is because the working classes are no longer fit for purpose. There are not enough people to join the labour force and those who do aren't much cop because of their broken homes, bad upbringing, and sink schools who don't teach the 3 Rs properly. Clever middle class women are not having enough children because of FEMINISM. CHAV schoolgirl slags get knocked up in hordes because that is the kind of thing they do, because they are allowed to, at the expense of the taxpayer. So what we have now is a DEGENERATE white race where the worst and stupidest of women are encouraged to breed the most bastards at taxpayer' expense while the clever educated ones - because of their careers - have fewer children. Working mothers tend not to bring up their children very well if truth be told. They usually divorce their husbands and then become even worse mothers. It can be seen therefore that feminism (wh...

Why we no longer have free speech

We no longer have free speech because women hate free speech more than men.  They hate free speech more than men because they are more easily upset, their feelings more easily hurt.   When they argue with you and lose, they will treat that event as a personal insult and be vindictive in the seeking of vengeance for hurting their feelings and having upset them.   You know this is true, for men are more forgiving than women about such things, though Mercy tends to be a Virtue that is attributed to women.   The West is guided by the worst of feminine vices: Promiscuity, Prevarication, Hypocrisy, Cowardice and Denial because its politicians court the female vote. YOU.  KNOW.  WHAT.  I.   HAVE.  SAID.  IS.  TRUE.