
Showing posts from October, 2009

The Literary Love of Men and Women Love letters by women to men: pleading, planning, warning, bargaining and ultimately disappointingly banal. As for poetry, I am afraid the awful truth, gentlemen, is that women are more likely to write love poems to each other than to a man. A man would be embarrassed to receive one and wouldn't know how to respond, particularly if it was very good. The woman would be perceived to have demeaned herself in taking so much trouble over a mere man, and so it would be better for her if she could pass it off as a doggerel written in jest in an idle moment. When a man writes poetry for a woman, and means it, it is invariably suffused with heroic metaphors, either that, or written in the tone of a conqueror enslaved. "Do love letters written by men differ in style, sentiment and sincerity to those written by women?" You betcha. Much as I love Peter Mandelson, I have never felt the urge to express it in poetry. My lov...

The Pill - why women now prefer effeminate men and have unhealthier babies

From The Week - 17.10.09 Why women love Orlando Bloom The advent of the contraceptive pill, which became available on the NHS in the late 1960s, ushered in an era of sexual liberation and gave women, for the first time in history, control over their fertility. What it may also have done, according to a report in Scientific American on research done by scientists at Sheffield University, is alter women's taste in men. In a normal menstrual cycle, the scientists found, the hormonal changes occur around the time of ovulation tend to make women more attracted to rugged, manly men - that is to say those who, being genetically dissimilar to them, are more likely to father healthy children. The pill, however, suppresses this process, with the result that women start to prefer more sensitive-looking types (as they do ordinarily, at other times of the month) and those who are genetically more similar to them. Some commentators have speculated that this may in part account for the eff...

Policing and Crime Bill, prostitution, brothel-keeping , LIBERTY and family values

As a Libertarian, I am all for the legalisation of prostitution. This being so, prostitutes should be allowed to work in brothels for their own safety. Brothel-keeping is however illegal in this country. The English Collective of Prostitutes are campaigning for brothel-keeping to be legal, yet are strangely welcoming and tolerant of foreign hookers who come here and take the bread out of their mouths, lowering the prices in the same way that foreign competition from plumbers, workmen etc would lower wages for locals. Perhaps this strangely contradictory position is something that is typically female. If I were an English prostitute I wouldn't be welcoming the competition, but perhaps it is a feminist sisterhood thing. The government's desire to criminalise men who have transacted with women who turn out to have been "trafficked" may perhaps be some sneaky attempt by the government at immigration control. Traffick...

"Single Mother on the Verge" by Maria Roberts A new type of 'family'. A new trend is emerging among single parents to advertise on the internet in order to set up flat shares with each other. The appeal of such an arrangement is to offer both single parent and child an expanded family set up in better accommodation than they would be able to afford otherwise. But economic advantage aside, is it a good idea? To discuss, Jenni is joined by Maria Roberts, author of ‘Single Mother on the Verge’ who is a supporter of such schemes and by psychologist Dr. Richard Woolfson . ‘Single Mother On The Verge’ by Maria Roberts is published by Penguin ISBN - 10: 0141037776 Another toxic destructive idea dreamt up by these depraved single mothers who are now increasing in number exponentially? Surely, but surely, it is a recipe for paedophilia, under aged sex, unwanted teenage pregnancy, child abuse and childhood traumas? It will all go wrong and then they will want taxpayers...

The Advantages of a Patriarchy against the Barbarism of the Matriarchy

Are men naturally non-interventionists and women naturally censorious and interfering? Is our nanny state the result of feminine values predominating and a national manifestation of feminine neurosis and irrationality? Is Western civilisation doomed if it does not address this problem? Surely it must pull itself back into masculine preoccupations of analysis and rational problem-solving as opposed to feminine displacement activity? History is replete with patriarchies while matriarchies are unheard of. Is it because matriarchies are by definition incapable of practising anything as civilised as reading and writing, because its natural state is simply breeding, emotionalism and barbarism? The refusal to address the problem of single mummery is the chief reason why we have ever-declining educational standards which successive governments are too frightened to address for fear of giving offence to the illegitimate and the mothers of the illegitimate, and of course the female-dominated tea...

Thoughtcrime, Hate Crime and Equality before the Law Why has gay bashing risen by 20% in London, ie in the Tower Hamlets - a predominantly Muslim area? Is it because the Muslims (whose Koran informs them that homosexual acts are sinful) are beating up gays more than any other group? Is it anything to do with the increasingly militancy of homosexuals and how they are perceived to be a sort of gay mafia taking over the country and given special privileges, and the "gayer than Labour" message the Tories are trying to give? When two groups protected by PC legislation are in conflict with each other, who wins? Hate Crime ( ie assaulting or killing someone because you hate them) attracts a higher penalty than if you did not particularly hate them. Why on earth would you attack or kill someone if you did not hate them? So, attacking a homosexual, disabled person or someone on religious ...

What to do if you are an older expectant mother and asked if you want the Down's Syndrome Test I would rather commit infanticide and put my hands up for it, just like the attention-seeking euthanasing travellers to Switzerland do, than 1) have an abortion 2) bring up a mentally handicapped child 3) inflict my mentally handicapped child on the taxpayer Would my proposed course of action not make sense if you were one of those older mothers who may not have the chance to conceive again? The advantage of my recommended course of action are: 1) I could enjoy my pregnancy. 2) I wouldn't be living with the guilt of perhaps needlessly aborting a child that turns out to be healthy after all. 3) I can always deal with the mentally handicapped baby discreetly after it is born. I have been careful to explain my moral reasoning in case there is anyone reading this who could find herself in this position or is already in this position. Don't have the test and don't have the abortion. Deal with it...

More older mothers abort Down's Syndrome foetuses The answer to this problem is simple. Create a situation where women see it as an advantage to have children younger, and in wedlock too. This is of course beyond the wit of the liberal establishment. They of course prefer to wring their hands at the increase of single mummery, family breakdown, rising crime, ever-lowering standards of education and behaviour, make us pay paedophile and green taxes and rejecting any solution that might work because it might seem judgemental, intolerant and insufficiently compassionate. Perhaps it is time they were sent on their way after so many decades in power.

An Open Letter to Lord Mandelson, Business Secretary

Dear Lord Mandelson CLAUSES ON PROSTITUTION IN THE POLICING AND CRIME BILL I strongly oppose clauses on prostitution in the Policing and Crime Bill 2009 which would: make it easier for the police to arrest women for “loitering and soliciting”; extend “closure orders” against sex workers’ premises; introduce compulsory “rehabilitation” of sex workers under threat of imprisonment; arrest presumed kerb-crawlers on a first offence; introduce a strict liability offence of “paying for sexual services of a prostitute subjected to force” (i.e. no need to show knowledge or recklessness); extend powers to search, seize and retain property under Proceeds of Crime legislation. If these proposals become law, they will increase criminalisation and imprisonment, particularly of women, and push prostitution further underground, putting sex workers more at risk of violence. These measures should be withdrawn. I urge you to speak and vote against them when they come to the Lords. Having laws that would ...

Hongkongese girls have stopped looking for Mr White Is that because he has been credit crunched and Chinese men now have more money?

"The strange, lonely and troubling death of Stephen Gately" "The strange, lonely and troubling death of Stephen Gately ": why can't Jan Moir say this without being denounced? Are gays God now? Is being unflattering about a dead gay man and his partner who was enjoying himself with another, tantamount to blasphemy in our age of liberal extremism? If a straight man was enjoying himself with another woman while his wife lay dead in the bedroom, we would be allowed to speculate on the morals of the deceased and his wife, would we not? If a straight woman was enjoying himself with another man while her husband lay dead in the bedroom, we would be allowed to speculate on the morals of the deceased her husband, would we not? Why are gay people treated with kid gloves these days? This could be yet another sign of liberal dementia.

British Asian Men don't want to marry British Asian women infected by feminism But that's no surprise. Non-Asian British men also want wives uninfected by feminism and frequently go to the Far East or Eastern Europe to shop for their brides, those of them who can afford to. Perhaps I should start a Stepford Wives Academy so local women also get a look-in?

Lottery-numbers extracted from your dreams!

Join and get your lottery numbers from a dream you had last night. New and unique number-generating system! Join quoting this offer with your dream and you will be given 6 numbers based on the dream you had last night. Guaranteed to make your next lottery-buying experience more enjoyable!

African women marrying Chinese husbands Facebook users clicking on this link will see this message. "The link you are trying to visit has been reported as abusive by Facebook users." It is insane! Why is it offensive? Who finds it offensive? Africans? Chinese? White supremacists? If so, what business is it of theirs??

The 21st Century Alpha Male is the one who understands how to turn Feminism to his own advantage This is done by being masculine while parroting feminist principles as if he believed in them to lull her into a false sense of security that she is dealing with a New (and feminist-submissive) Man. He would get the woman to give him sexual access to her body while making her pay her share for everything. He would make sure that he becomes the househusband while sending his woman out to work. When she whinges about this, he can say, in an aggrieved tone of voice: "But, darling, I thought you believed in gender equality." He can then point out to her that she earns more than he does anyway, so it wouldn't make sense for him to go out and her to stay home. When she finally has enough and divorces him, he can take her to the cleaners. To do this as a career option, all you have to do is be very good in bed and understand her moods. In short, beat women at their own game.

Japanese men gone girly, Japanese girls not interested • They are not as competitively minded about their jobs as men in older generations. • They are fashion conscious and eat sparingly so they can stay thin and fit into skintight clothes. • They are chummy with their moms and often go shopping together. • They are not interested in dating girls, having relationships, or even having sex (choosing from a plethora of "self-help" toys instead). • They are very tight with their money and often carry several retailers' "point cards" around, declaring that those who don't pinch pennies are stupid. Ushikubo has even gone so far as giving these types a new label: ojo-man (ladylike men). "Many of the boys I've met told me they cannot go out of their house if their hair doesn't look perfect," she said. "They have also told me that their self-esteem goes up when their nails look nice." Ushikubo estimates that 60 percent of today's men...

Tolerance, not equality (In my most strident Glenda Slagg mode): Doncha hate the way the Tories are sucking up to gay and lesbian community???"!!! As well as the idiotic broccoli logo we now have this stupid rainbow which is intended to appeal to the kiddywinx we have all been dumbed down to, I suppose. If I were Tory Party leader I would offer to simultaneously promise to abolish Inheritance Tax and the civil partnership. They should be tolerated but are not the equal of couples who enter a supposedly life-long commitment to bring up the next generation. The Koran deals very wisely with the question of tolerance without conferring equality.

How to prevent spousal exploitation and domestic violence To address the problem of spousal exploitation, I would pass a law requiring all couples to sign up a marriage contract before a marriage is legally recognised by law. For any contract to be valid, a mediator or an odd number of mediators would have to be appointed by the couple. This is to enable one of them to complain about the unreasonable behaviour of the other, before getting to the end of their tether and resorting to knifing their husbands. The wife can then ring her mediator and say: "He insists on buggering me every time we have sex. I don't enjoy it and I have had enough. Nowhere does it say in our marriage contract that a conjugal obligation exists on my part to submit to this disgusting and perverted practice. Could you have a word with him, please?"